Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 8. november 2004 / Timeline November 8, 2004

Version 3.5

7. November 2004, 9. November 2004

GSA Contracts Lose Favor With DoD Managers
Defense Department managers are cutting back their use of non-DoD contracts and procurement services, a move that already appears to be hurting business for the General Services Administration, officials say.
The Navy is moving millions of dollars worth of information technology services business off of GSA contracts and onto its own. And the Air Force is similarly discouraging use of GSA supply schedules and other contracts for at least some of its procurement staffs.
Pentagon budget and acquisition chiefs instructed managers across the department in an Oct. 27 memo to get special approvals and undertake additional research and steps when using non-DoD contracts, writes Federal Times.



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