Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 5 Marts 2004 / Time Line March 5, 2004

Version 3.5

4. Mars 2004, 6. Mars 2004

Amnesty International Launches Global Campaign to Stop Violence Against Women
"Violence against women is a cancer eating away the core of every society, in every country of the world," Irene Khan Secretary General of Amnesty International said today at the launch of the organization's global campaign to stop violence against women.
Whether in times of peace or war, women are subjected to atrocities simply because they are women. Millions of women are beaten, raped, murdered, assaulted, mutilated and even denied the right to ever exist. At least one in three women in the world will suffer serious violence in their lifetime.
Unveiling its worldwide 'Stop Violence Against Women' Campaign, Amnesty International called for urgent action by every man and woman to end this outrageous scandal.
"This is not something that just happens over there, it happens here. It is not something that only happens to other people, it happens to you, your friends and your family. Until all of us, men as well as women, say 'no, I will not let this happen', it will not stop," said Irene Khan.

USAs forsvarsministerium har besluttet at lægge en ordre på udrustning til Iraks hær på is. Ordren var givet til invisteringsfirmaet Nour USA, skriver Information.

Afrustning - Libyen
Libyen afskiber mere end 500 tons kemiske våben og atomvåbenudstyr til USA.
Kilde: Miller, Judith: Libyen afleverer våben til USA. I: Berlingske Tidende, 03/07/2004.



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