Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 16. maj 2004 / Time Line May 16, 2004

Version 3.0

15. Maj 2004, 17. Maj 2004

The Terrible and Strange Death of Nick Berg
by James Conachy
(Courtesy of and Tehran Times)
The terrible death of Nick Berg in Iraq -- beheaded in front of a video camera -- has taken place in such strange and suspicious circumstances that it raises deeply troubling questions. Among them is whether American agencies had a direct or indirect hand in the young man's murder.
Questions immediately arise from the timing and political consequences of his killing. At the height of a massive scandal engulfing the Bush administration, Berg's death has been exploited by the American government and the US media to launch a counter-offensive against the revelations of systematic US torture in Abu Ghraib and other Iraqi prisons. A wholesale attempt is being made to shift American and international public opinion away from the outrage over the criminal character of the US occupation of Iraq, and behind the self-serving argument that American forces are needed in Iraq to prevent the country descending into barbarism and chaos.
Were Berg's murderers being directly paid by the American government, they could not have performed a more timely service for the Bush White House.



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