Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 29. Juni 2004 / Time Line June 29, 2004

Version 3.0

28. Juni 2004, 30. Juni 2004

Italy ends compulsory military service
ROME (AFP) Jul 29, 2004
Bringing Italy into line with most of the rest of Europe, the Italian parliament Thursday approved plans to make the armed services all-volunteer from January 1, ending universal military conscription.

Mother protests son's death by inviting media to film coffin - A Defiant Mother's Message
By Donna Quexada , United for Peace of Pierce County, Washington
Army National Guard Spc. Patrick McCaffrey signed up for the National Guard on September 12, 2001. On June 22, 2004, he was killed by Iraqi insurgents near the Iraqi town of Balad. -- His mother, Nadia, 59, unreconciled to his death and to the Iraq war, registered her protest this week by inviting the media to film the return of his flag-draped coffin to Sacramento. -- Though Patrick McCaffrey did his best to help children in Iraq, his mother said, he had lost faith in the US mission there. "He called me one evening," his mother said. "His voice was very heavy. He said, 'I don't understand why we are here.' In small towns, small villages, people would scream things at them, throw things at them. There was resentment." -- She added: "He said we had no business in Iraq and should not be there."



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