Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 5. Juli 2004
/ Time Line July 5, 2004
Version 3.0
4. Juli 2004, 6. Juli 2004
posted by
BushGame: The Anti-Bush Video Game
Check out the new anti-bush video game that's a hot sensation on
the internet. You play as powerful political voices such as Howard
Stern, Michael Moore, John Edwards, John Kerry, Christopher Reeve,
Hulk Hogan, Mr. T, and many more! You have to battle huge monsters
that represent members of the Bush Cabinet and travel to exotic
Enron tax escapes like Bermuda, and war zones like Iraq. All the
while you're entertained and fascinated by powerful information
concerning the administration's bungling of domestic and foreign
policy. It's an incredibly informative and hilariously entertaining
critique of the current presidential administration. (Broadband
connection recommended).
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