Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 1. januar 2004 / Time Line January 1, 2004

Version 3.5

December 2003, 2. Januar 2004

Det er nu otte måneder siden, at USAs præsident Bush erklærede krigen i Irak for vundet.


Letter from California

by Kurt Singer

A Hollywood documentary film is treating the primary elections of 2004 like a Zane Grey Western film. The good guy and hero is George W. Bush. The bad villains are the 9 Democrats who try to destroy Bush and his Texas farm and all his Washington friends. The 9 Democrats on their high horses are fighting each other for the top leadership and the good Texan Cowboy is laughing and proud that he has caught the arch villain and murderer Saddam Hussein.
One of the gang Joe Lieberman suddenly had second thoughts. The Texas Cowboy he thinks is not all that bad in his fight against the Iraqi Indians, but he has too much power. What is needed now is more religion. Bush who was born an Episcopalian raised as Presbyterian and was now a Methodist, with many evangelical missionary friends in the South. He had collected 111 millions to defend himself against the bad Democrats who want to destroy him. Jesus was his philosopher and leader.
Howard Dean who seemed to be the new leader of the struggling Nine was born a Catholic became an Episcopalian, left the church and was now a liberal Congregationalist. He had only collect 40 million dollars for the upcoming fight. Al Gore who was once a High Noon sherif supported him. Dean's children claimed they were Jewish. There is also Wesley Clark,who was once a victorious general wants to be the high Concho. He collected only 20 million dollars but showed everyone the picture how his Commander in Chief Bill Clinton put a shiny medal around his neck and praised him for bravery. Hillary the bosses wife shook hands with him and applauded. Can he unseat the Chief Cowboy from Texas? The other Wild West riders Kerry, Edwards, Lieberman, Gephardt, Sharpton, Lady Brown and a gentleman from Ohio are far from the Dean lead and are fighting their chieftain Dean instead of the Texas Cowboy.
The Hollywood movie visions show a real horse race, a neck to neck run and the Texan wins the imperial crown. Rex Bush is the Man of the Year. Who said the old Western movies are dead?
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is a new face in politics like Dr. Howard Dean is a new face in Washington politics. New brooms do well but also run into troubles. Schwarzenegger could not convince the California legslature to endorse a $ 15 Billion loan which will now be voted on through a March 2004 referendun. In the meantime the new governor cancelled the triple car tax, cancelled the law whih gave 2 million illegal Mexican immigrants a driver's license, cut housing for imigrant farm workers and fired 5000 state employes to save money. He declared the earthquake area of San Luis Obisco a disaster area to obtain federal money and help.
The terror fear which the Bush administration induced is not popular nor is the war and returning dead heroes and wounded are honored, not forgotten. One praises the troops but not the war. One hears DEANS AND GEPHARDT'S VOICE SAYING IT IS A FOOLISH WAR.
Paula Johnson a University of California student said: "It's not over until the fat lady sings. If Dean does not get the majority votes at the party's convention, they may still draft Hillary Clinton." That would be Hollywood's happy ending.



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