Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 21. februar 2004 / Time Line February 21, 2004

Version 3.5

20. Februar 2004, 22. Februar 2004

Generalforsamling i Militærnægterforeningen.

Former Apartheid Enforcers Guarding Iraq
by Marc Perelman
© 2004 The Forward
February 21, 2004 -- In its effort to relieve overstretched U.S. troops in Iraq, the Bush administration has hired a private security company staffed with former henchmen of South Africa's apartheid regime.
The reliance on apartheid enforcers was highlighted by an attack in Iraq last month that killed one South African security officer and wounded another who worked for the subsidiary of a firm called Erinys International. Both men once served in South African paramilitary units dedicated to the violent repression of apartheid opponents.
François Strydom, who was killed in the January 28 bombing of a hotel in Baghdad, was a former member of the Koevoet, a notoriously brutal counterinsurgency arm of the South African military that operated in Namibia during the neighboring state's fight for independence in the 1980s. His colleague Deon Gouws, who was injured in the attack, is a former officer of the Vlakplaas, a secret police unit in South Africa.



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