Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 2. februar 2004 / Time Line February 2, 2004

Version 3.5

1. Februar 2004, 3. Februar 2004

Lockheed Martin office in London locked out
On Monday, 2nd February, protesters from Trident Ploughshares locked out Lockheed Martin headquarters staff to draw attention to the role of this multinational corporation in the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction. Lockheed Martin is the world's largest maker and exporter of arms, and is actively engaged in developing the UK's next generation of nuclear weapons.
Hidden away in an unmarked building in Carlisle Place, a quiet residential street near Victoria station in central London, this corporation is busy violating the nuclear non proliferation treaty. The corporation's presence was highlighted by protesters locking the front doors together, and unfurling a banner reading "Lockheed lockout: W.M.D. Maker" . Lockheed-Martin have two floors of the building.
Ann Kobayashi, Lyn Bliss, Zelda Jeffries and Angela Broome sat down in the doorway after securing the door with a cycle lock, while Jane Tallents and David Mackenzie gave support. Workers who had to be directed by police round to a back door naturally wanted to know what was going on and the group were very happy to tell them and give them the explanatory leaflet.
There was interest too from passers by, one of whom said "Yes, we have been given a wonderful world and we are ballsing it up." The duty police inspector handled things very well and arranged for the buildings managers to speak to the four women. The exchange was courteous and constructive.
There were no arrests and the lock-out was voluntarily terminated at 2 p.m., after six hours of occupation. The activists felt it had been a successful event and had brought to the attention of lots of people that the corporation was there and what it was up to.

USAs præsdient Bush nedsætter en uafhængig kommission, der 'skal undersøge grundlaget for invasionen af Irak'.



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