Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 11. februar 2004 / Time Line February 11, 2004

Version 3.5

10. Februar 2004, 12. Februar 2004



by Kurt Singer

He and his parents came from Marocco, found asylum and citizenship in Israel. Young Mordechai served 3 years in the Israeli army. Mordechai He was a good soldier and was honorably released as staff seargent after he had served for 3 years but had developed doubts about General Ariel Sharon's and his country's war in Lebanon and policies against the Palestinians. From 1976-1985 he worked in a textile factory in the Negev desert.
However this textile plant was well camouflaged as the Dimona nuclear manufacturing plant which had produced 200 atom bombs and 400 nuclear weapons. Urabium had been imported. He worked there as a nuclear technician and had secretly phographed hundreds of nuclear items. In 1985 when he was laid off from Dimona left Israel and fled to Nepal. There he converted to Buddhism. His parents never forgave him, they were orthodox Jews who said the kaddish death prayers for him. Mordechai tried to enter the Soviet Union but was rejected. He finally landed in Sydney Austraia where he converted to Catholicism.
Looking for rcognition he met Peter Housman a correspondent for the London Sunday Times. Both flew in early September 1986 to London and his story of Israel's secret nuclear production exploded in the Sunday Times and was heard around the world. Many of Mordechai's pictures were also published and questions were asked: How much did the USA know of these nuclear hideout which were hidden in six different places in the Negev desert.
Directors of the Mossad secret services admitted later that there was a plan to kill Vanunu to avoid further revelations.
But another plan was executed. A intrguing and quite beautiful Mossad agent "Cindy" alias Sheryl Bentov posed as an American tourist and lured Mordechai into her arms and both flew on September 30, 1986 to Rome. There Vanunu was kidnapped, put on an Haifa bound freighter and he faced a secret trial and was sentenced to 18 years imprisonment.The trial was held in Jerusalem at the District Court before Chief Justice Eliah Noam and judges Zvi Tal and Shalom Brener. His sentence made it clear he was not allowed any contact with the media. But Vanuhu wrote on his palm that he had been kidnapped in Rome and showed it to the press when he was transported from the court building.
Vanunu was promised a payment of $100.000 for his story but it was never paid. No doubt Vanunu had changed history, especially history of the Mideast. To Israel's enemies he was a hero. To the anti militarists, pacifists and war protesters around the world Mordechai Vanunu became the great symbol and martyr and peace activist.
Vanunu's appeal was refused. For11 years and 6 month he lived in total isolation. Amnesty International called it "cruel and inhuman and degrading". The transcript of the court proceedings were not released until 1999 and then only in parts.The European Parliament had condemned Vanunu's treatment and called the kidnapping a violation of Italy's sovereignity and international law.
A number of prominent persoanalities including novelist Gunther Grass have recommended Vanunu for the Nobel Peace Prize. He will be released, hopefully, on April 24th 2004 but his movements will be quite restricted. He still may have some secrets untold.
It's more than doubtful tha Oslo will grant the Nobel Peace Price to Vanunu.The Nobel Committee would not want to offend Israel as little as they wanted to offend Britain when Mahatma Gandhi never received the Peace Prize.
Vanunu has been awarded with the Danish Peace Foundation's prize in 1988, the sum of DKR. 100,000; the Right Livelihood Award 1987 and the Nuclear-Free Future Award 2002.


IRAK: Operation Rockingham: nøglen til det fejlagtige britiske krigsgrundlag?

Af: Coilín ÓhAiseadha.
Jeg tillader mig at fremsende nedenstående link til en meget indsigtsfuld og tankevækkende artikel skrevet af en tidligere minister i Blair-regeringen, Michael Meacher, vedr. forfalskningen af det britiske grundlag for at invadere Irak.
Den er særlig vigtig af flere årsager:
1. Den viser, at en afdeling indenfor det britiske forsvarsministerium (ligesom i det amerikanske) manipulerede med efterretninger for at vildlede befolkningen og politikerne om den fiktive irakiske trussel.
2. Den dokumenterer, at den britiske misinformationskampagne vedr. Iraks (ikke-eksisterende) våben rækker mindst ti år tilbage. (!!)
3. Den påpeger, at David Kelly mente, at det var usandsynligt, at Irak var i besiddelse af masseødelæggelsesvåben, men at denne afgørende efterretning blev fortiet.
Væsentligt indhold:
David Kelly har nævnt en afdeling indenfor det britiske forsvarsministerium, som han kalder for Rockingham-cellen: "Within the defence intelligence services I liaise with the Rockingham cell."
Den yderst troværdige tidligere UNSCOM-våbeninspektør Scott Ritter forklarer, at det er en henvising til en Operation Rockingham, der blev lanceret i 1991 og fungerede til at skabe den meget udbredte opfattelse, at Irak modarbejdede UNSCOM-våbeninspektionerne: "Operation Rockingham cherry-picked intelligence. It received hard data, but had a preordained outcome in mind. It only put forward a small percentage of the facts when most were ambiguous or noted no WMD... It became part of an effort to maintain a public mindset that Iraq was not in compliance with the inspections. They had to sustain the allegation that Iraq had WMD [when] Unscom was showing the opposite."
Dels blev visse efterretninger udvalgt for at give en fordrejet opfattelse af sagen, dels gav den hemmelige celle falske oplysninger til UNSCOM med henblik på at fremprovokere inspektioner, som man senere kunne henvise til som tegn på, at irakerne skjulte noget. Ritter siger:
"Rockingham was the source of some very controversial information which led to inspections of a suspected ballistic missile site. We ... found nothing.
However, our act of searching allowed the US and UK to say that the missiles existed."
Meacher spørger, om det kan tænkes, at Rockingham-cellen står bag den nu helt åbenbart absurde påstand, at Irak kunne have lanceret masseødelæggelsesvåben inden for 45 minutter, som Tony Blair angiveligt troede på og brugte som begrundelse for at invadere Irak.
Det viser sig, at David Kelly inden invasionen mente, at der kun var 30% sandsynlighed for, at Irak var i besiddelse af masseødelæggelsesvåben. Hvorfor kom denne oplysning ikke frem?
MEACHER: The Very Secret Service
Jan 31, 2004
By Michael Meacher



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