Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 8. december 2004 / Time Line December 8, 2004

Version 3.5

7. December 2004, 9. December 2004

Possibility of a Military Draft Of Doctors Worries the AMA
By: Christopher Windham
Wall Street Journal
The Selective Service System said it is reviewing a little-known contingency plan for drafting physicians, nurses and other health professionals, causing concern at the American Medical Association, which voted yesterday to communicate with the agency on the issue.
The plan, called the Health Care Personnel Delivery System, was authorized by Congress in 1987 to handle an emergency need for medical personnel during a conflict. About 3.4 million male and female health- care workers ages 20 to 44 would be expected to register with the Selective Service if the president called for the plan to be put into action, and Congress approved.
A paper published this year in the Wisconsin Medical Journal, by Wisconsin Army National Guard State Surgeon Col. Roger A. Lalich, said that, though a general draft is not likely to occur, a physician draft is "the most likely conscription into the military in the near future." A Selective Service newsletter last year expressed a similar view.

Den amerikanske forretningsmand og våbenhandler Dale Stoffel dræbes i Irak.



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