Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 4. August 2004 / Timeline August 4, 2004

Version 3.5

3. August 2004, 5. August 2004

Weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East Resolution/ WILPF
The Women's International League for Peace and Freedom's International Executive Committee, meeting in Berlin, July 31 - August 4, 2000 resolved that,
Whereas the multilateral discussions on regional security agreements, including all countries in the Middle East, were discontinued in 1995 because of Egypt's refusal to continue discussion because of Israel maintaining its policy of "nuclear ambiguity";
Whereas many countries in the regional have declared and undeclared weapons of mass destruction - biological, chemical and nuclear - as well as delivery vehicles, or appear to be developing such, leading to increased hazards of war and unspeakable destruction;
Whereas Israel's continued nuclear weapons programme poses a threat of accident, contamination, and calamity to Israel itself and the region, and is a spur to the arms race in the Middle East;
Aware that Israel and the United States were the only two votes in the United Nations against reaffirmation of the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Treaty, indicating an alliance in the "weaponization" of space, adding a new and dangerous dimension to the Middle East arms race;
Whereas the International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled in 1997 that nuclear weapons are generally illegal under international humanitarian law;
Whereas Mordechai Vanunu continues to be imprisoned;
Whereas the Israeli government is unwilling to engage in the recently held Knesset debate on nuclear policy; and
Whereas the New Agenda Coalition at the Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty called for unequivocal actions by the nuclear weapons states for the elimination of such weapons,
Therefore, be it resolved that the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom:
Add its voice to the calls for reconvening the multilateral discussion for the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction from the Middle East, including weapons in space and, in particular, calls on Israel to associate itself with the New Agenda Coalition for the elimination of nuclear weapons, and to become an active signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and, as a sign of this policy, to release from prison Mordechai Vanunu.

Nepalese Army Takes in Women for Combat
The Royal Nepalese Army has completed the training of its first group of female recruits, after authorities decided that 5 percent of soldiers should be women, writes UPI.



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