Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 14. April
2004 / Time Line April 14, 2004
Version 3.0
13. April 2004, 15. April 2004
Danmarks første "whistleblower"
mod løgnene om Irak
Information skriver: "Major Frank Søholm Grevil mener, at
statsministerens måde at bruge FE's Irak-vurderinger på
er problematisk af flere grunde. "Vi har en minister, der går
ud og lyver. En minister, som går ud og siger noget, der ikke
er i overensstemmelse med sandheden. Og det gør han gentagne
gange, både til oppositionen og opinionen. Uden at der
tilsyneladende er nogen embedsmænd, der korrigerer ham."
Major Grevil lækkede FE-rapporter, der viser at blandt andre
statsministeren førte folketinget og befolkningen bag lyset.
Læs de interessante artikler fra Berlingske Tidende og
Information samt dagens interview med denne hædersmand.
Major Grevils baggrund og bevæggrunde er overordentligt
Måtte andre embedsmænd i Danmark og andre lande lade
sig inspirere uanset hvad de iøvrigt måtte mene om
krigen, siger Jan Øberg.
Forsvarsforlig 2004
Forsvarsminister Svend Aage Jensby (V)
har smidt SF ud af forhandlingerne om et kommende forsvarsforlig,
bl.a. fordi partiet ikke støtter Danmarks deltagelse i krign
mod Irak, skriver Berlingske Tidende.
The restrictions that the Israeli government intends to impose on
Prisoner of Conscience Dr. Mordecai Vanunu, a
candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize, after his release, as have
appeared in the Israeli press [Ha'aretz, April 14, 2004],
constitute an intolerable, unjustified and arbitrary violation of
basic human rights, including freedom of movement and freedom of
Felice Cohen-Joppa, of Tucson, Arizona, Coordinator of the U.S.
Campaign to Free Mordechai Vanunu and now in Israel with 90
internationals from 10 countries preparing to greet Vanunu upon his
release on April 21, said: "With these restrictions, the Israeli
government is building a special prison just for Mordechai Vanunu.
This is an outrageous injustice not fitting for a democratic
nation." The restrictions would keep Vanunu in Israel and require
permission to leave the town of his residence. He would be
prohibited from approaching any borders or embassies, and barred
from any communication with foreigners, even those residing in
Israel. The restrictions and prohibitions which the Sharon-Lapid
government intends to impose characterize tyrannical regimes, and
it is not surprising that the order was signed by the Homeland
Defense Commander, based on the draconian State of Emergency
Regulations, the legacy of the British Mandate. We wish to remind
the public, that former Prime Minister Menachem Begin and two
former Justice Ministers, Yakov Shimshon Shapira and Dov Yosef,
denounced the regulations as being Nazi in nature.
However, once Vanunu completes the entire prison term to which he
was sentenced, his rights as a free citizen must be respected. The
restrictions which the Israeli government intends to impose on
Vanunu - including a prohibition on leaving the country, severe
travel restrictions even within Israel, and no contact with any
foreign citizens - are a continuation of the mistreatment that
began at the moment he was kidnapped.
We strongly denounce and protest the continued harassment of Dr.
Mordechai Vanunu by the Israeli Authorities and call on all people
of conscience, in Israel and around the world, to join the struggle
to lift all of these restrictions.
We hope, that judges who are committed to human rights are to be
found within the Israeli justice establishment, who will declare
these restrictions to be illegal, and who will enable the
soon-to-be released Prisoner of Conscience to live as a free person
wherever he chooses.
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