Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 12. september 2003 / Timeline September 12, 2003

Version 3.5

11. September 2003, 13. September 2003

Militærnægterdemonstration i Seul, Sydkorea, skriver the Broken Rifle, 2003:59.


They have decided upon cold-blooded murder

"The government of Israel has tonight resolved to committ a cold- blooded murder, with the implementation deferred - the cold blooded murder of the elected president of the Palestinians. Let there be no mistake about it. Let no one be fooled by the talk of 'deportation'. There is no intention that Arafat will susrvive the enecounter with Sharon's soldiers. I know Sharon, I have followed his career for decades, ever since he was a young commando officer carrying out brutal cross- border raids. He has not changed in any essential, only in the amount of power held in his hands. He means to do it, he means to kill Arafat. He will watch for his chance, wait for a moment when the Amercians look elsewhere - and then he will pounce." That was the immediate response by Uri Avnery, former member of the Israeli Parliament and est Member and veteran activist of Gush Shalom (The Israeli Peace Bloc). "The cabinet ministers of the Government of Israel have tonight adopted an ominous, criminal decision, whose implementation would entail rivers of shed blood - far beyond all the horrors we have already seen in the past three years. The effects will spread far beyoond the confies of this country - throughout the region and the world. The ministers who raised their hands for this infamous resolution will never be able to sheke of responsibily for what they have done".

Avnery - spry and energetic, two days after his eightieth birthday had been marked at hundreds of political and personal friends packing the Tzavta Hall in Tel-Aviv - said these ominous words at the peak of an hours-long vigil opposite the gates of the defence minstry in Tel-Aviv, the place Sharon had chosen to gather the members of his Inner Cabinet. For hours we have been tensely waiting - more than a hundred Tel-Avivian activists of Gush Shalom, Ta'ayush and smaller groups, among them also the former KM Tamar Gozansli, as well as a similar number of Jerusalemites at a simultaneous vigil outside the Prime Minster's office, writes Gush Shalom.



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