Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 26. november 2003 / Timeline November 26, 2003

Version 3.5

25. November 2003, 27. November 2003

Armed checkpoints, embedded reporters in flak jackets, brutal suppression of peaceful demonstrators. Baghdad? No, Miami
Small, peaceful demonstrations were attacked with extreme force; organisations were infiltrated by undercover officers who used stun guns; buses of union members were prevented from joining permitted marches; people were beaten with batons; activists had guns pointed at their heads at checkpoints.
$8.5m spent on security during the FTAA meeting came out of the $87bn Bush extracted from Congress for Iraq last month.
But more was borrowed from the Iraq war than just money. Miami police also invited reporters to "embed" with them in armoured vehicles and helicopters, writes Naomi Klein in The Guardian.



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