Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 20. november 2003 / Timeline November 20, 2003

Version 3.5

19. November 2003, 21. November 2003

Forespørgsel til statsministeren og udenrigsministeren om betingelserne for dansk deltagelse i fremtidige krige. Af Villy Søvndal (SF), Søren Søndergaard (EL), Aage Frandsen (SF) og Holger K. Nielsen (SF).
"Giver erfaringerne fra dansk deltagelse i krigen i Irak regeringen anledning til overvejelse om betingelserne for dansk deltagelse i fremtidige krige, herunder krav om dokumentation for fremsatte påstande, krav til information fra alliancepartnere og krav om anvendelse af våbentyper i forhold til internationale konventioner m.v.?"


Derby Rolls Royce Blockaders Found Guilty

The trial of eight anti-nuclear protesters finished today at Derby Magistrates Court after a hearing lasting two and a half days. Protesters from Faslane Peace Camp and Trident Ploughshares had blockaded the gates of Rolls Royce in Derby during an action to highlight Rolls Royce's part in the illegal UK nuclear weapons programme.
The blockade at Rolls Royce was part of a week of actions and events during Faslane Peace Camp's 21st Birthday last June. Evidence produced during the trial revealed the success of the blockade. The site employs two thousand people, and with both gates blocked it produced major tailbacks and gridlock, with disruption back to a dual carriageway.
The court refused to allow the defence to quote International Law, ruling that "International Law is a political issue and not to be discussed in this court." Activists insisted that their action was to uphold Nuremberg Principles and was morally and legally right.
The seven who attended court were found guilty of Public Order Act section 5 offences and fined £200 plus £200 court costs each. One protester was fined a further £50 for initially giving her name as Pat Freeborn when arrested. Sue Brackenbury was brought to court in handcuffs each day as she is being held on remand for a separate charge of trying to disarm a Trident submarine during its current refit at Devonport.
One protester had his charge of Police Assault dropped. He had been dragged from a gate by police after pressure points were used to remove him.
All the protesters strongly refuted his charge and insisted that they were experienced protesters and remained peaceful throughout. The police video of the action showed there was no evidence of assault, writes Faslane Peace Camp.



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