Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 14. november 2003 / Timeline November 14, 2003

Version 3.5

13. November 2003, 15. November 2003

15 ægyptiske parlamentsmedlemmer har unddraget sigg militærtjeneste, noterer Information.

Udgifterne til de danske soldater i Irak sprænger forsvarets ramme(bevilling) til internationale udgifter. Missioner koster mere end forventet, skriver Berlingske Tidende.

The hidden cost of Bush's war
Sgt Meinen, of the 43rd Combat Engineer Company, 3rd Armoured Cavalry Regiment, is among thousands of wounded soldiers who have returned from Iraq to uncertain futures, months of difficult and often painful treatment and an American public largely unaware that so many troops are being injured every day. The reality is that, just as Iraqi hospitals struggled to deal with the number of wounded civilians during the invasion of the country, so military hospitals in the US are now overflowing with wounded Americans.
Advances in body armour and battlefield medicine mean that an increasing number of soldiers such as Sgt Meinen are surviving injuries that even just a decade ago would have killed them. As a result, while the Bush administration is able to point to a relatively modest number of US fatalities in Iraq yesterday the total stood at 396 there is a huge number of severely wounded soldiers whose injuries and fate go largely unreported. Mr Bush has ordered that the media should not be allowed to photograph coffins containing the bodies of those killed in Iraq, and the return of injured US troops also goes largely unpublicised. This is no coincidence. Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont told the Senate last month: "The wounded are brought back after midnight, making sure the press does not see the planes coming in with the wounded", writes the Independent.



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