Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 3 Marts 2003
/ Time Line March 3, 2003
Version 3.5
2. Mars 2003, 4. Mars 2003
Activists Worldwide Use Ancient Play to Address Current
Public Readings of Lysistrata in 32 Countries. Condemn War in
The University of Louisville Theatre Arts Department will hold a
public reading of Aristophanes' Lysistrata on March 3rd, 2003, at
8:00 p.m. in the Playhouse on Cardinal Blvd. and 3rd Streets.
Admission is free, but donations are welcome to support peaceful
protests against the war with Iraq.
NEW YORK, NY -- On March 3, 2003, the Lysistrata Project will
present worldwide readings of Aristophanes’ ancient Greek
anti-war comedy Lysistrata. To date, 389 play readings are
scheduled in 32 countries to voice opposition to the war in Iraq;
those numbers increase hourly. Readings will raise money for
charities working for peace and humanitarian aid in the Middle
Lysistrata tells the story of women from opposing states who unite
to end a war by refusing to sleep with their husbands until the men
agree to lay down their swords. Powerless in their society and
distraught over too many of their children being slaughtered in
battle, the women take the only tactic available to them: they
withhold sex.
Fast-forward 2,400 years: swords are now weapons of mass
destruction. Faced with the prospect of massive loss of human life
-- both Iraqi and American -- Lysistrata Project participants
world-wide take a new tactic and add their voices to the mounting
clamor of global anti-war protests.
In addition to readings in international cities such as London,
Berlin, Paris, Beirut, and Jerusalem, groups from nearly every
state in the U.S.A. are hosting events as part of this worldwide
theatrical act of dissent. Participants in this grassroots project
come from all walks of life. For example:
-- College students in Texas will hold Lysistrata-reading marathons
on a conservative campus;
-- Midwestern homemakers will conduct readings with their book
-- Teachers will use the study guide from the Lysistrata
Project’s web site in their classes;
-- A man in Beirut will put on his own adaptation of the play that
incorporates Arabic and English anti-war poetry; and
-- A woman in California will stage her reading with the patients
and staff in the hospital where her partner is undergoing cancer
In New York City, where the project originated, dozens of teams of
actors and directors will read Lysistrata in public spaces
throughout the day. The Lysistrata Project will then present an
all-star reading of the play that evening.
The Lysistrata Project was conceived in early January of this year
by New York actors Kathryn Blume and Sharron Bower. "Before we
started Lysistrata Project, we could do nothing but sit and watch
in horror as the Bush Administration drove us toward a unilateral
attack on Iraq," says co-founder Blume. "So we emailed all our
friends and put up a web site. The response has been enormous."
Co-founder Bower adds, "Many people have emailed us to say how
distraught they feel about the war. Now they feel empowered to do
something, and foster dialogue in their own communities."
Blume and Bower describe themselves as patriotic Americans. "With
the freedom and wealth of our country comes great responsibility --
and this war is not a responsible act," says Bower. "By rushing to
war with Iraq, the White House not only drives us at least $60
billion deeper into deficit spending, but also alienates our
allies, threatens an already unstable Middle East, and fans the
flames of anti-American sentiment all over the world."
Blume concludes, "Our purpose is to make it very clear that
President Bush does not speak for all Americans. Our message is
simple: If you oppose this war, then speak up!"
Contact: in Louisville Rinda Frye (502) 852-8445 or
Contact: in New York Jen Nessel (917-442-0112) ;
Litteratur: Gregers, Anne-Mette: Sex-boykot din mand
: Danske skuespillere : Læg ham på is, hvis han
støtter Bush's krig.
I: Ekstra Bladet.
Fredsbevægelser i Israel og Palæstina
Møde i Indre Bys Medborgerhus. Ahlefedtsgade 53.
Oplægsholdere: antropologen Anja Kublitz, John Saietz fra
foreningen New Outlook samt sognepræst og
fredsvagtkoordinator Peter Friis-Nielsen.
efterretningstjenester har spioneret mod FNs sikkerhedsråd,
skriver the Observer. Medarbejdet ved det britiske GCHQ,
Katharine Gun offentliggør en email fra NSA, der
dokumenterer USAs spionage mod medlemmer af FNs
sikkerhedsråd, skriver Information, 04/15/2004.
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