Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 15. maj 2003 / Time Line May 15, 2003

Version 3.0

14. Maj 2003, 16. Maj 2003

Folketinget vedtager beslutningsforslag om 'dansk deltagelse i en multinational sikringsstyrke i Irak'.

EU vil undersøge sagen omkring det nedstyrtede amerikanske bombefly ved Thulebasen i 1968, skriver Dagbladet Arbejderen.

Stop the Nomination of Daniel Pipes to the US Institute of Peace (USIP)
Demand Full Hearings of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
Take Action Now!
Background: On April 2, 2003 the White House officially nominated right-wing extremist Daniel Pipes to the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), and the nomination has been referred to the Senate Committee on Health Education, Labor and Pensions for approval. As the Washington Post has written, when many first heard the news they thought it was a joke. Pipes, perhaps best-known recently for launching "Campus Watch", a surveillance network and website reminiscent of the McCarthy era, has not only been widely criticized as a racist, particularly with respect to Arabs and Muslims, but noted for advocating the use of force and fear rather than negotiation as the means of choice for conflict resolution.
With Campus Watch, "a showcase for the signature distortions on which Pipes has built his twenty-five- year career..Pipes and supporters have been able to expand their attacks into a virtually limitless campaign of harassment and intimidation"
"I know," writes Yale Professor of History, Glenda Gilmore in a recent article,"because I have been branded a traitor. I wrote an op ed in the Yale Daily News and received death threats and rape wishes...Within a month, Daniel Pipes had reached millions of people around the world." Gilmore and Columbia History Professor Eric Foner together have characterized this in kind with the most "shameful anomalies in the history of civil liberties".
When Jim Sleeper, who also teaches ethics and political science at Yale warned of the "neo-Stalinism wafting up" from these activities he, too, found himself on the pages of Campus Watch, and subject to a national smear campaign. Similar stories from other campuses are easy to find.
In addition, taken by many to be a virulent racist, and often labeled as a "âEUR*Muslim-basher and âEUR~IslamophobeâEUR*"(6), Pipes, who has written in the National Review that "Western...societies are unprepared for the massive immigration of brown-skinned peoples...maintaining different standards of hygiene" (1) and that there is "a well-established tradition of American blacks who convert to Islam turning against their country" (7) has claimed that "up to 15% of Muslims are "potential killers" (8).
In a recent interview on a nationally syndicated radio show he refused to condemn the internment of Japanese- Americans during World War II (8). Understandably, the nomination has been strenuously opposed by leading Arab-American groups such as the American-Arab Anti- Discrimination Committee (more here) particularly on the grounds of Pipes' racism, violent views of conflict resolution, and campaign of intimidation and distortion.
His own personal website is run by an Israeli settler and Pipes, who opposes negotiations with the Palestinians, is a regular contributor to Gamla, "an organization founded by former Israeli military officers and settlers that endorses the ethnic cleansing of every Palestinian as "the only possible solution" to the Arab-Israeli conflict"(1). Recently the Washington Post (9) and the Dallas Morning News (10) have come out against the nomination.
Urgent Call for Action: The Say No to Pipes Campaign is a grassroots effort to derail the nomination of Daniel Pipes. Time is limited. On best information the nomination will not be considered before May 9, 2003, and perhaps not for some time after that, but it could happen very fast. Uncontroversial nominations to the USIP are typically approved without public debate or hearings. This cannot happen with this disastrous nomination.
Below is a letter which will be sent both electronically and by courier (delivery confirmation required) to the Chairman and Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Senators Judd Gregg (R), and Edward Kennedy (D) respectively, with electronic and hard copies to every member of the Committee (see members here), the Majority and Minority Staff Directors and Press Secretaries as well as members of the press. PLEASE SIGN THIS LETTER, and then forward the link on to as many people as you can. The "waft" of racism, neo- McCarthyism, or neo-Stalinism, has already gotten way too strong. Let's stop this nomination now.


Health, Education, Labor, & Pensions Committee United States Senate 428 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510-6300
Re: Nomination of Daniel Pipes to the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP)
Dear Mr. Chairman, and Members of the Committee,
As American citizens we are deeply concerned about the nomination of Daniel Pipes to the Board of Directors of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP). His views are widely held to be deeply racist, and many, including those from our most prestigious universities, believe he is actively engaged in an attempt to revive the tactics of McCarthyism, a most shameful chapter in our nation's history, as a means of silencing free speech. In addition, Mr. Pipes' often stated views on conflict resolution which favor the use of force and fear over negotiations contradict the stated purpose of the USIP whose mission statement is "to promote international peace and the resolution of conflicts among nations and peoples of the world without recourse to violence." Finally, at a time when our government is already dealing with feelings in much of the rest of the world that it is anti-Arab or anti-Muslim, the fact that Mr. Pipes is widely seen as a radical anti-Arab propagandist, as the Washington Post has put it, "is salt in the wound." We stand with people of all backgrounds, ethnicities, and religious persuasions who, in the interest of the most cherished principles of our democracy, condemn this nomination. We trust that, as the Washington Post has also put it,"if the White House does not rescind the nomination", the Committee will "have the good sense to turn it down." However, if for any reason the Committee has doubts about rejecting the nomination, then we urge it respectfully, in the strongest posssible terms, to hold full and public hearings so that the nominee's extremist views and practices may be brought out in the light of day in front of the American people. Such an extreme and completely inexplicable nomination cannot be allowed to be rushed through to approval without a chance for the American public to be heard. In our view, however, the widely known facts are way more than sufficient to warrant immediate rejection of the nomination without any further examination and we hope the Committee will do so.
SIGN THE LETTER Privacy Statement: When signing the letter you will be asked for your email address. Email addresses will not be included with the list of signatories to the letter and will not be given out to any other third parties either. Only signatures from vaild email boxes sent by the boxholders can be counted. Contact: Say No To Pipes Campaign Source: Email from Nancy Ries.



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