Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 18. Juni 2003 / Time Line June 18, 2003

Version 3.0

17. Juni 2003, 19. Juni 2003

En britiske undersøgelsesskommission har indledt høringer om den politiske beslutningsproces som førte til Irakkrigen, skriver Information.

18 June 2003
Jane's Defence Weekly
The UK has developed and installed a new IT system at its Permanent Joint Headquarters in Northwood, north of London, reports this week's edition of Jane's Defence Weekly. This technology will facilitate command-level support for EU military operations and is the first operational-level EU military headquarters Command Information System (CIS) to be set up.
This recent development puts the UK ahead of France, Germany, Italy and Greece, who are still working on their own versions of the facility - with each to be known as Operational HQs. Ultimately this technology should facilitate an effective joint EU command. However the report notes that these new EU command systems are developing along similar lines to the early ad-hoc joint-staff arrangements for UK Joint Operations and may suffer the same problems of rivalry and dispute. "Different CISs were used at each HQ and there was rivalry over which was the most appropriate HQ (and by extension, the most appropriate commander) for any particular operation," states author Giles Ebbutt in the report, referring to these early command arrangements. "The potential for similar rivalries to develop in the EU command is considerable."
Since its installation in January 2003 this UK system has been used only for contingency planning exercises. However the £1m of equipment including 205 PC workstations - all provided by prime contractor EDS - may come into its own when synchronised with emerging European CISs. Already there is provision for part of the system to be deployed to Brussels in time of crisis for use by the EU military staff.



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