Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 11. januar 2003 / Time Line January 11, 2003

Version 3.5

10. Januar 2003, 12. Januar 2003

Fagbevægelse for fred
US Labor Against the War grundlægges.
We Establish U.S. Labor Against the War
11 January 2003
WHEREAS, over 100 trade unionists from 76 local, regional and national unions, central labor councils and other labor organizations (see details below) representing over 2 million members gathered in Chicago for an unprecedented meeting to discuss our concerns about the Bush administration’s threat of war; and
WHEREAS, union members and leaders have the responsibility to inform all working people about issues that affect their lives, jobs and families, and to be heard in the national debate on these issues; and
WHEREAS, the principal victims of any military action in Iraq will be the sons and daughters of working class families serving in the military who will be put in harm's way, and innocent Iraqi civilians who have already suffered so much; and
Whereas, we have no quarrel with the ordinary working class men, women and children of Iraq, or any other country; and
Whereas, the billions of dollars spent to stage and execute this war are being taken away from our schools, hospitals, housing and Social Security; and
Whereas, the war is a pretext for attacks on labor, civil, immigrant and human rights at home; and
Whereas, Bush's drive for war serves as a cover and distraction for the sinking economy, corporate corruption and layoffs; and
Whereas, such military action is predicted actually to increase the likelihood of retaliatory terrorist acts; and
Whereas, there is no convincing link between Iraq and Al Qaeda or the attacks on Sept. 11, and neither the Bush administration nor the UN inspections have demonstrated that Iraq poses a real threat to Americans; and
Whereas, U.S. military action against Iraq threatens the peaceful resolution of disputes among states, jeopardizing the safety and security of the entire world, including Americans; and
Whereas, labor has had an historic role in fighting for justice; therefore
We hereby establish the U.S. Labor Against the War (USLAW); and
Resolve that U.S. Labor Against the War stands firmly against Bush's war drive; and
Further resolve that U.S. Labor Against the War will publicize this statement, and promote union, labor and community antiwar activity.
Adopted January 11, 2003 in Chicago, IL.

Udtalelse fra FN-forbundets Bestyrelse 11. januar 2003
På grundlag af den seneste udvikling i Irak-krisen finder FN-forbundet det uacceptabelt, at USA ensidigt fortsætter krigsforberedelserne mod Irak ved en voldsom militæropbygning i Golfen.
Et eventuelt militært angreb på Irak skal bygge på en beslutning i FN’s Sikkerhedsråd efter en grundig analyse af den rapport fra våbeninspektørerne, som forventes af foreligge 27. januar.
Det bør være afgørende for Sikkerhedsrådet beslutning om militær indgriben, at der ikke foreligger kvalificeret tvivl om tilstedeværelsen af masseødelæggelsesvåben i Irak, samt at en militær aktion vurderes at være den eneste mulighed for at fjerne denne trussel.
Vi opfordrer den danske regering til at støtte det græske EU-formandskab i dets bestræbelser for at udnytte den nye og stærkere repræsentation af EU-lande efter Spaniens og Tysklands optagelse i Sikkerhedsrådet til at tegne en stærkere EU-linje i behandlingen af Irak-spørgsmålet. EU-landenes synspunkt om, at ethvert internationalt skridt i konflikten skal være løsningsorienteret, bør slå stærkere igennem.
FN-forbundet byder regeringens initiativ med at udarbejde et udenrigspolitisk strategioplæg velkommen og opfordrer regeringen til at benytte det til at understrege FN’s centrale rolle i verden. Det er i den sammenhæng vigtigt, at Danmark bidrager til, at FN’s sikkerhedsråd træffer solidt funderede beslutninger i Irak-krisen.



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