STATSMINISTERIET 2. maj 2003 Taleudkast Statsminister Anders Fogh Rasmussens tale ved erhvervs arrangement den 9. maj 2003 Ladies and gentlemen, The relations between Denmark and the US are unique. The bonds between our two nations are stronger than ever. And they are getting stronger every day. We share values and objectives: Peace, democracy, free trade. And we cooperate to achieve these objectives. In our bilateral relationship and on global issues. I look forward to continuing ibis cooperation with the President and with Secretary Rumsfeld later today. Only the US can secure and guarantee peace in Europe. It is of course possible thai some day, Europe will be able to ensure its own security. However, it is not realistic in any predictable future. Therefore, the alliance with the United States is indispensable for our security policy. And as a consequence, we must also be ready to assist the United States when we are asked to'do so. We have done so in Afghanistan and more recently in Iraq. It is not always easy. We face opposition both in Denmark and in Europe. But I believe it is the right way. Denmark should be ready to defend essential values by making our own military contributions. In addition, we cooperate with the US in the fight against terrorism. Bilaterally and through our membership of the European Union. During the Danish Presidency last year, the fight against terrorism had high priority and we made good progress on many important areas, including cooperation in law entorcement and protectlon ot mternatlonal traae Dy maKmg marnlme uanspon more secure. But our cooperation is not limited to the politi cal level. Indeed, cooperation between Denmark and the US extends to many areas: Cultural, civilian, educational, industrial and commercial. The Joint Strike Figther is a good example. The JSF, being based on high technology and affordability, also has a strong focus on international participation. The JSF is a joint development program. The participating nations all strive to become involved in the development ofthis very large and long- term program, as does the Danish defense industry. Four Danish companies -A. P. Moeller, Maersk Data, Systematic Software Engineering and Terma, all present here today, -were keen on contributing to the JSF. An addition al number of Danish companies -JSF DK Team -are pursuing development opportunities with Lockheed Martin and the various partners and major subcontractors on the JSF. The affordability issue emphasizes the importance of competitiveness. I have no doubt that Danish companies can match both technological and competitive requirements. Danish companies possess advanced skilis in software development, data and message handling, training and simulation, communication systems, advanced electronics and new materials. Just as F16 meant a qualitative leap in many technologies, I am certain JSF will do the same. And I am sure that Danish companies will be ready and capable of investing in and gaining from the new technology. In the post 9-11 world we all know that security goes beyond armed forces. We must guard our infrastructure, harbours, bridges, information technology, airports and so forth against hostilities. And we must protect our citizens against biological and chemical warfare from terrorists. This will inflict a burden on our society. But it is necessary. The business sector has an important fole in creating efficient, smart and cost effective protection against the fisk from terrorism. I know that Danish and American companies are creative and inventive. We must use this potential to guard us against the new threat. Danish industry has strong footholds in both defence and civil applications of their technologies and products. A few examples may be: Harbour surveillance including sensor technology for underwater missions, training emergency response for disaster medicine, data and message handling, communication, protection for civil and military purposes. Denmark is not the strongest country in the world. But we are a strong ally of the VS. And we do have something to offer. We have shown that in the fight against terrorism, in Iraq and elsewhere. Danish industry can be a valuable partner as well: Outstanding technologies and competitiveness. The Danish defence and home land security industry can pro vide valuable contributions: flexibility, ingeniousness and not least competitiveness in niche technology areas. I trust that the 10ng-Iasting, strong relations and good cooperation between our two nations and industries will continue and flourish. Thank you, and as we say in Denmark: Skål. List of participants the lunch with Danish Prime Minister the 9 May Prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen Ambassador Ulrik Federspiel Permanent Secretary of state Niels Bernstein Assistant Secretary of State Per Poulsen-Hansen Senior Advisor Michael Borg-Hansen Under Secretary Janet Hale, Department af Homeland Security (confirmed) Under Secretary Pete Aldridge, DoD (invited) Major General John L. Hudsan, Director for the Joint Strike Fighter Program (invited) Colonel Poul Skjold Hansen, National Deputy Denmark (invited) Lockheed Martin: Dr. Robert H. Trice, Senior Vice President for Business Development (confirmed) Richard Kirkland, Vice President, Corporate International Busines~ Development (confirmed) Tom Burbage, Executive Vice President and General Manager Joint Strike Fighter (confirmed) Ms. Susan Maraghy, Vice President, Homeland Security & Information Technology (confirmed) Royce Caplinger, Directar, International Operations, Fixed-Wing Aviation (confirmed) Maersk, Inc. (president & CEO Thomas Thune Andersen) (will send a replacement -to be confirmed) Maersk Data (Business Development Manager Bent Kristensen) (confirmed) Systematic (CEO Michael Holm) (confirmed) Terma (Senior Vice President Børge Witthøft) (confirmed) Wackenhut Corporation (CEO Gary Sanders) (invited) Dantherm (Michelle Drinnan Sales & Marketing Manager) (confirmed) Danish Container Supply (CEO Jan Lauridsen) (confirmed) Bavarian Nordic (president & CEO Peter Wulff) (confirmed) RESON Group (CEO Claus Resen Steenstrup) (invited) Radiometer (CEO Peter Kürstein) (invited) Cryptomathic (CEO Claus Bo Mikkelsen) (invited) Cisco (Vice President Jim Massa) Siebel (CEO Tom Siebel) Raytheon (Vice President Hugo Poza) Honeywell (Chairman & CEO David Cote) Deputy Permanent Secretary af State for Defence, National Armaments Director Jørgen Hansen-Nord (Ministry ofDefense) (confirmed) . Deputy Director General Jørgen 1<' Hansen (Danish Confederation af Industries) (confirmed) Other participants from the Danish Embassy Statsministerens besøg i Washington, D.C. den 7. – 12. maj 2003 Statsministeren rejser den 7. – 12. maj 2003 til USA. Fra programmet for turen kan nævnes: Onsdag den 7. maj 2003 Statsministeren ankommer til Washington, D.C. Torsdag den 8. maj 2003 Statsministeren mødes bl.a. med formanden for Repræsentanternes Hus (the Speaker) Dennis Hastert , Majoritetsleder i Senatet Bill Frist og Minoritetsleder Thomas Daschle samt udenrigsudvalgene i begge Kongressens kamre. Fredag den 9. maj 2003 Statsministeren holder fredag formiddag en tale om aktuelle udenrigs- og sikkerhedspolitiske spørgsmål på en af Washingtons forskningsinstitutioner, the Woodrow Wilson Center. Efterfølgende spiser statsministeren frokost med danske og amerikanske virksomheder. Om eftermiddagen mødes statsministeren med forsvarsminister Donald Rumsfeld. Fredag aften deltager statsministeren i en middag med tidligere chef for NATO’s militære styrker i Europa General Ralston som vært. Lørdag den 10. maj Bl.a. rejse fra Washington til Hampden-Sydney i Virginia. Søndag den 11. maj 2003 Statsministeren taler søndag eftermiddag ved årets afslutningsceremoni på Hampden-Sydney College. Statsministeren vil endvidere blive udnævnt til æresdoktor ved Hampden-Sydney College. Mandag den 12. maj 2003 Statsministeren mødes med Præsident George W. Bush i Det Hvide Hus. Efterfølgende holdes et afsluttende pressemøde med danske journalister, førend statsministeren rejser tilbage til Danmark