Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 7. december 2003 / Time Line December 7, 2003

Version 3.5

6. December 2003, 8. December 2003

En mannd der nægtede at gøre tjeneste i den serbiske hær, har fået lov til at føre retsag mod Flygtningenævnet, som ikke vil give ham asyl i Danmark, noterer Søndagsavisen.

The 2nd IIPT African Conference on Peace through Tourism
The International Institute for Peace through Tourism in partnership with the Africa Travel Association is pleased to announce the 2nd IIPT African Conference on Peace through Tourism which will be held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, December 7-12, 2003.
Outcomes of the Conference will include a "21st Century African Agenda for Peace and Poverty Reduction through Tourism" with a focus on implementation of strategic initiatives and pilot projects that empower local communities to achieve jobs with dignity and sustainable futures.
For more information on the conference, please visit
Peace and/or family studies list:
1) PJSA -- Peace and Justice Studies Association, which is hosting their national conference in early October.
2) WPJN -- Wisconsin Peace and Justice Network
3) WI -- Wisconsin Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies -- hosting national conference in November.
4) PEC -- Peace Education Commission (An international peace education association).
5) IPRA -- International Peace Research Association
6) CPS -- Canadian Peace Education Program
7) EMPOWER -- empower list serve -- peace education for K-12 teachers
8) NCFR -- National Council on Family Relations Peace Focus Group, writes Jackie Haessly, Peacemaking Associates,



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