Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 5. August 2003 / Timeline August 5, 2003

Version 3.5

4. August 2003, 6. August 2003

Israelske fredsaktivister arresteres
[We have been celebrating too early when we thought that the home of Hani and Munira Amer and their six children would be spared encirclement by The Wall ... ]
With bulldozers less than 10 meters away from the threatened house at Mes'ha, the army is right now arresting the 40 international and Israeli peace activists who spent the night there - among them Oren Medicks of Gush Shalom, and CO Dror Boymel and five other Israelis. Other activists are from the US, Britain, France, Italy, Germany Sweden and Japan. The activists who sit in a circle singing are dragged one by one.
An effort is under way to organize a new group to go there, writes Gush Shalom.

Los Alamos cited for safety violation
The U.S. Department of Energy cited the University of California for safety violations at Los Alamos National Laboratory for an incident in which two workers inhaled plutonium.
The workers were conducting an inventory of cans of plutonium residue on Aug. 5, 2003, at the main plutonium processing facility when an alarm sounded, the lab said.
The workers evacuated the room, but medical exams showed skin contamination with the radioactive metal and evidence that both had inhaled plutonium, writes Oakland Tribune (CA) 07/02/2004.



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