Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 29. August 2003 / Timeline August 29, 2003

Version 3.5

28. August 2003, 30. August 2003

Campaign to Stop the War Profiteers
The folks at the Institute for Southern Studies have launched an ambitious and important "Campaign to Stop the War Profiteers". Newly-launched Campaign to Stop the War Profiteers says recent revelations of secrecy, ballooning tax-payer funded contracts underscores need for action. The Campaign, launched by the Institute earlier this month, has quickly galvanized veteran, peace, and other public interest groups across the country. Veterans for Peace, New York Labor Against the War, Peace Action, and other leading organizations have signed on to the campaign, as well as national progressive luminaries Noam Chomsky, Bill Fletcher, Jim Hightower, Noami Klein, and Howard Zinn.
Yesterday's reports concerning Halliburton (Washington Post) and Bechtel (Wall Street Journal) revealed vital new information about the scope of insider deals and war profiteering, including:
- The Washington Post reports that "As much as one-third of the monthly $3.9 billion cost of keeping U.S. troops in Iraq" is being handed out to for-profit, big business contractors, led by Halliburton and Bechtel - both major contributors to and allies of the Bush Administration.
- Halliburton, including its subsidiary Brown and Root, has been handed "contracts worth more than $1.7 billion - and stands to make hundreds of millions more," mostly under contracts in which other companies were not allowed to bid. At least one contract had "not previously publicly acknowledged" by the Pentagon. (Washington Post).
- According to the Wall Street Journal, Bechtel's Iraq contract was increased by $350 million - "more than 50%" - on top of the $680 million already given to the company in a "secret, no-bid contract." Bechtel has former board members, former and current VPs and Presidents, the current CEO, and "friends" with seats in the President's Export Council, the Defense Policy Board, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, USAID, the CIA, and several other government agencies.
"Ever since Halliburton received a secret, unlimited contract for logistical support operations in 2001 for the 'war on terror,' it's been clear that Bush-connected corporations have had an inside track," said Chris Kromm, director of the Institute and a coordinator with the campaign.
"When Halliburton reports that the company's profits jumped $26 million in the second quarter of 2003 while the rest of the economy is stalling, it's also clear they're making a killing off the business of war," Kromm added, writes The Arms Trade Resource Center, New York.

Borgerkrigen i Peru 1980-2000 kostede ifølge den peruvianske sanhedskommission over 75.000 mennesker livet, skriver MetroXpress.



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