Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 9. April 2003 / Time Line April 9, 2003

Version 3.0

8. April 2003, 10. April 2003

Fagbevægelsen for fred, i en ny verden etableres ved et stormøde blandt faglige organisationer i Storkøbenhavn.

Møde i det grønlandske landsting om NMDFS.

USA opsender den femte og sidste Milstar kommunikationssattelit, skriver

Bagdad erobres. Efterfølgende opretter den unge amerikanske pacifist Marla Ruzicka, the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict.

War Crimes in Iraq
The US has again executed 2 surrended Iraqi soldiers. Remember the earlier photos 2 weeks ago, where you also saw executed, surrended Iraqi soldiers.
So: It seems to be, that US is executing a lot of Surrended Iraqi soldiers. These 2 cases surely are not the only ones.
There is a total genocide going on at the moment against Iraq. The Al-Jazeerah TV just reported about 100 patients per hour, arriving just to Baghdad Hospital.
In Hilla city there has been a huge genocide (Several separate cases), part of which have been reported also by International Red Cross Members. Several hundreds of victims.
Also from Hilla we have heard of an execution of Iraqi civilians in in a bus, in US Check point (This is different case, what you have heard earlier).The execution was possibly made by a Rocket launcher, with a Thermobaric warhead, because no shrapnels at all (Again so called "Strange" victims).
To your knowledge: The Swiss minister of Foreign Affairs is collecting data about US +UK Warcrimes in Iraq, writes Dr. Stig Froberg/Finland.



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