Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 4. April
2003 / Time Line April 4, 2003
Version 3.0
3. April 2003, 5. April 2003
USAs kongres godkender en bevilling på omkring 553 milliarder
kr. til krigen i Irak og til den begyndende genopbygning i landet,
noterer Information, 04/05/2003.
Berlingeren misinformerer : Khidhir Hamza ("Saddam's
bombmaker") er svindler
Af Coilín ÓhAiseadha, Fredsakademiet
Flere pålidelige kilder peger på, at der er tale om
en faktuel fejl, når Poul Høi i Berlingske Tidende
(side 5) den 31. marts skriver følgende: "Khidhir Hamza var
chef for Iraks atomvåbenprogram indtil han i 1994 hoppede af
og endte i eksil i USA."
Hamza, som er forfatter til bogen "Saddam's Bombmaker" og som
optrådte som et nøglevidne om Irak i den amerikanske
Kongres sidste forår, tjener som en oplagt målestok for
Bush-regeringens troværdighed. Kilder som den tidligere
chefvåbeninspektør Scott Ritter og tidligere kollegaer
i både Irak og USA (jvf. citater nedenfor) viser nemlig, at
Hamza er yderst utroværdig.
Under disse omstændigheder skal man ikke være
overrasket over, at en Gallup-undersøgelse, som Berlingske
Tidende har bragt den 26. marts, viser følgende
"To ud af tre danskere mener ikke, at mediernes dækning af
Irak-krigen giver et retvisende billede af virkeligheden."
Scott Ritter: "The CIA knows Hamza is not Saddam's bombmaker.
The CIA informs Congress. So how come Hamza gets to testify to
[Interview with author, 4 November, 2002.]
"Hamza is a fraud, and his insights re: WMD are useless."
[Comment received by e-mail from Scott Ritter on 4 April,
Scott Ritter is a former intelligence officer, who served in the US
Marines during the Gulf War. He is a ballistic missile expert, who
was chief weapons inspector for UNSCOM in Iraq from 1991 until he
resigned for ethical reasons in 1998. Few, if any, can match
Ritter's encyclopaedic knowledge of Iraq's former programs for the
production of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.
David Albright: "DAVID ALBRIGHT: I think, as people are asked to
support war against Iraq, I think we need to look at the available
information much more carefully and I think it saddens me to have
to send that letter to you about Dr Hamza, who I personally liked.
But unfortunately I believe that his statements are often
inaccurate, they're inconsistent. For example, just a couple of
weeks ago he told the London Sunday Times that Iraq was building
nuclear weapons and could have them in a couple of months. He
sculpts his message to get the message across to his audience and
certainly I don't know his agenda - you mentioned one aspect of
what is suspected to be his agenda, he wants regime change and what
interferes with that is just ignored."
"TONY JONES: Do you believe he really was the kingpin of Saddam
Hussein's nuclear weapons program, as is claimed almost every time
he appears before congressional hearings?"
"DAVID ALBRIGHT: No, he definitely wasn't. [.] He never headed the
program to make the highly enriched uranium, which is where most of
the money was. Also after six months he told me he wanted out of
that program. [.] He then retired at the end of 1990 [.] And so his
information after 1990 was really second hand and gained from
talking to colleagues. So I think he's distorted his title
Nuclear weapons expert warns of Hamza evidence, Tony Jones,
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 25 September 2002, at -
David Albright is a nuclear weapons expert. He is the president
of the Institute for Science and International Security in
Washington and he was on the International Atomic Energy Action
team from 1992 to 1997. In June of '96 he became the first
non-governmental inspector of the Iraqi nuclear program.
CV from Institute for Science and International Security:
"Dr. Khidhir Hamza worked as a consultant for ISIS during
1997-1999. He provided a copy of his CV, reproduced below, as of
1997. [...]
· 1987 -- Director General in charge of Weaponization1
(President's Special Security Forces)
· 1988 - 1990 -- In charge of Theory and Modeling of the
Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) Project; Manager in charge of the Iraqi
delegation to Poland. DPF construction supervision and training
(May - Nov 1989) 1991 - 1993 -- Lecturer, Computer Science
Department, Al-Mansour University College, Baghdad, Iraq (subjects:
Numerical Analysis, Operations Research (Lab)) [...]
1 "Weaponization" is a term used to describe a set of processes to
research, develop, test, and manufacture nuclear explosives or
weapons using a supply of fissile material. The program headed by
Hamza was not involved in producing the fissile material, but
planned to use a supply of highly enriched uranium that was to be
produced in other, far larger, efforts headed by Jaffar Dhia Jaffar
and Mahdi Shakir Ghali al Ubeidy." -
The Institute for Science and International Security is a
non-profit, non-partisan institution dedicated to informing the
public about science and policy issues affecting international
security. Its efforts focus on stopping the spread of nuclear
weapons, bringing about greater transparency of nuclear activities
worldwide, and achieving deep reductions in nuclear arsenals.
Imad Khadduri:
"Hamza exaggerated to a great extent his own role in the nuclear
weapon program. As I personally know [Hamza] and have worked with
him during these two decades, I wish to clarify the following
untruths and misinformation that has been postulated by him in his
book [.] [T]he "bombmaker" was kicked out of the [weapons] program
at the end of 1987 for stealing a few air conditioning units from
the building assigned to his project. This he conveniently omitted
to mention in his book, but cited frequent travels abroad to garner
assistance and equipment, while in fact he was an outcast to the
project and did not attend any seminar or brainstorming sessions
during that intense period."
'Saddam's bombmaker' is full of lies, Imad Khadduri,, 27 November 2002. Yellow Times is no longer online
as of 2 April 2003.
Please note new URL where this article has been reproduced at:
Imad Khadduri has a MSc in Physics from the University of Michigan
(United States) and a PhD in Nuclear Reactor Technology from the
University of Birmingham (United Kingdom). Khadduri worked with the
Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission from 1968 until 1998. He was able to
leave Iraq in late 1998 with his family. He now teaches and works
as a network administrator in Toronto, Canada.
Imad Khadduri encourages your comments:
Yderligere analyse:
[casi] on the crisis in Iraq - indlæg af Zaid al-Ali -
"Ifølge en undersøgelse som Gallup gennemførte
i går blandt 515 repræsentativt udvalgte personer
svarede 66 procent af de adspurgte, at de ikke mener, at mediernes
dækning af krigen giver et retvisende billede af
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kommentar, email
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