Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 14. december 2002 / Time Line December 14, 2002

Version 3.5

13. December 2002, 15. December 2002

Ulla Røder varetægtsfængsles i England pga civil ulydighed: "Ulla was arrested at the USA National Security Agency Station, Menwith Hill (also identified as a 'Star Wars' base) on Friday along with three other women from Trident Ploughshares affinity group. Helen John and Agneta Norberg from Sweden were arrested later.
All the women were held at Harrogate Police Station. Ulla was remanded overnight and appeared before the Harrogate Magistrates Court on Saturday morning. She was released on bail to reappear at court on January 6th, with the condition not to go within 100 yards of Menwith Hill.
Unfortunately I did not meet up with her on Saturday morning. By the time I got to the Police Station I was told that she had gone to Court. I went to Court but it was in darkness and locked. I went back to the Police Station and they told me to go to the back of the Court and ring the bell. I did this, but Ulla had gone by the time I got back there. I have not heard from her since.
There is some news that activists entered Menwith Hill on Saturday night and caused £1,000's damage to receiving equipment. I do not know if Ulla was one of these people".
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