Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 3. April 2001 / Time Line April 3, 2001

Version 3.0

2. April 2001, 4. April 2001

Pantex public meeting covers environment
By David Bowser, Globe-News Correspondent
A Pantex public meeting Monday covered a variety of topics concerning environmental issues at the nation's nuclear weapons plant northeast of Amarillo.
Boyd Deaver with the Environmental Protection and Restoration Department at Pantex explained the COPC (Contaminents of Potential Concern) decision process concerning groundwater and soil on and around the 10,000-acre plant.
Deaver said tightly packed sand formations in several places have slowed water draining into the ground at the plant and formed small aquifers perched above the Ogallala Aquifer, the giant underground water formation that stretches from the South Plains of Texas north to the Dakotas. The Ogallala is a primary source for drinking and irrigation water in the region.
Department of Energy officials addressed concerns of private landowners around the plant that the federal agency was ultimately responsible for the pollution of soil and groundwater at the plant.

600 israelske reserve-soldater er blevet arresteret for at nægte at møde til aktiv tjeneste under Intifadaen.
I alt har 2500 nægtet at møde, refererer Dagbladet Arbejderen fra den norske avis Klassekampen.



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