Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 28. september 1998 / Timeline September 28, 1998

Version 3.5

27. September 1998, 29. September 1998

USA overvejede at atombombe Kina
USA overvejede at angribe Kina med atomvåben i 1964 for at forhindre landet i at udvikle dets eget atomvåbenprogram.
Det skrev avisen Los Angeels Times i går på grundlag af dokumenter, som er frigivet fra USAs udenrigsministerium. Efter at have udarbejdet planen om et angreb, som bl.a. omfattede hemmelige CIA-operationer, besluttede præsident Johnsons rådgivere, at problemet ikke kunne løses militært, skriver Information.
Amerikanske primærkilder: The United States, China, and the Bomb.
National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 1. / : Edited by William Burr.
'In the spring of 1996, the Archive began a series of Freedom of Information and mandatory review requests to the CIA, State Department, Defense Department, National Archives, and other agencies to prompt the release of relevant documents. Although this will take time, the State Department's own systematic declassification review of central files from the 1960s has already made available some very useful material. Moreover, previous declassification requests by the Archive are beginning to generate significant material. This makes it possible for the Archive to display, on our Web site, some newly released documents on U.S. policy toward the Chinese nuclear weapons program.
The documents that follow are from 1964 when U.S. government officials recognized that China would soon acquire a nuclear weapons capability. As this material indicates, the degree of apprehension varied, with some officials truly worried that a nuclear armed China would constitute a formidable threat to the security of China's neighbors as well as the United States. Others, however, believed that Beijing's orientation was fundamentally cautious and defensive and that the political and psychological implications would be more immediately consequential than any military threat. Although China's attitude toward U.S.-Soviet nonproliferation efforts was hostile, as far as can be determined, no one anticipated a development of later decades: the PRC's apparent role as a purveyor of nuclear weapons and delivery systems technologies'.
The United States and the Chinese Nuclear Program, 1960-1964. / : Edited by William Burr.
National Security Archive, 2001.
'International Security has just published, in its Winter 2000/2001 issue, an article, "Whether To 'Strangle the Baby in the Cradle'": The United States and the Chinese Nuclear Program, 1960-64," written by National Security Archive analysts William Burr and Jeffrey T. Richelson. Drawing on recently declassified documents, the authors provide the first detailed account of the Kennedy and Johnson administration's reactions to the emerging nuclear weapons capabilities of the People's Republic of China (PRC). Besides elucidating the systematic efforts by the intelligence agencies to monitor Chinese nuclear weapons developments, the authors describe and discuss the concerns of U.S. senior officials and expert advisers over the prospects of a nuclear-armed People's Republic of China (PRC). The authors also review the possible courses of action, including covert military operations, that top officials, including President Kennedy, considered in response to the Chinese nuclear program.

DR Radio PR1 sender kl. 9.10 dokumentarudsendelsen: Når staten bryder ind. I udsendelsen afslørede fire politifolk, hvordan de medvirkede gentagne gange til indbrud for at skaffe oplysninger til Politiets Efterretningstjeneste. Indbrudene foregik uden at der før eller siden indhentes ransagningstilladelse. Ummiddelbart efter udsendelsen bad Justitsministeriet Statsadvokaten for København undersøge påstandene.



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