Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 2. september 1986 / Timeline September 2, 1986

Version 3.5

1. September 1986, 3. September 1986

US National Security Decision Directive 238 on "Basic National Security Strategy," September 2, 1986. - 19 s.
- The first purpose of national security policy is "to preserve the political identity, framework and institutions of the United States as embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution."
Second, the directive distinguishes between constitutional governance and physical security. Not every measure intended to promote security is constitutional. And not every act in defense of democratic self-governance is likely to promote public safety.
'Grand Strategy
The grand strategy of the United States is to avoid nuclear war while preventing a single hostile power or coalition of powers from dominating the Eurasian land-mass or other strategic regions from which threats to U.S. interests might arise. The success of this strategy is dependent on the maintenance of a strong nuclear deterrent, dynamic alliances, and a Western-oriented world economy. It is also dependent on the u.s. ability to wage successfully a competition for influence among less developed countries, the ability to influence events beyond our direct control, and ultimately, the ability to project military power abroad in defense of u.s. interests. The strength of this grand strategy is founded upon the convergence of interests between the U.S. and the community of nations as a whole. The national independence and individual freedoms we seek to uphold are in harmony with the general desires and ideals common to all mankind. The ·u.S. must therefore remain the natural enemy of any country threatening the independence of others, and the proponent of free trade, commerce, and economic stability'.



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