Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 18 januar 1985 / Time Line January 18, 1985

Version 3.5

17. Januar 1985, 19. Januar 1985

US National Security Decision Directive 159 on "Covert Action Policy Approval and Coordination Procedures" , January 18, 1985. - 7 s.
'Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of this NSDD is to establish procedures for the planning, approval, and coordination of covert action (intelligence "special activities" under Executive Order 12333) and for the review and evaluation of these activities in order to ensure that they continuously derive from and support us national security objectives and are integrated fully into overall US policy. Knowledge of covert action policies, decisions, and programs shall be strictly limited to the absolute minimum number of senior officials and their immediate staff focal points. To the extent possible, knowledge of policies, deliberations, and programs; knowledge of operations; and knowledge of supporting information or activities will be strictly compartmented from each other'.



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