Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 6. Juli 1983 / Time Line July 6, 1983

Version 3.0

5. Juli 1983, 7. Juli 1983

Første fredsgruppe i Grønland
Godthaab GRONLANDSPOSTEN in Danish 6 Jul 83 p 22
[Article: "The Peace Movement in Greenland"]
[Text] Sorsunnata, the peace movement in Greenland, has organized itsfirst local group in Qasiginnguit [Christianshaab]. Twelve people gathered for an organizing and informational meeting on 5 Juneat 7:30 pm, and most of them expressed the wish to participate in additionalpeace work. Proposals were put forward for SORSUNNATA's charter and by-laws but the participants at the meeting agreed to postpone an actualgeneral assembly until the association was established and until therewas a genuine membership. SORSUNNATA is therefore presently organized as an interest and activistgroup with three temporary working committees. These working committees include an executive committee, which willorganize and develop the peace organization, a finance committee, whichwill prepare and execute fund raising and the establishment of an economicbasis for peace movement's development and also make regular financialreports to the membership, and an information and publications committee,which will prepare a future peace newspaper and general public informationabout the arms race and peace proposals. There are plans to attempt to establish local groups in other towns assoon as there is sufficient interest in a Greenlandic peace movement,but for the time being SORSUNNATA will distribute from Qasigiannguitinformation and peace propaganda to contact people and others interestedat various places in Greenland. It will take time and demand a disciplined effort before the work for peace brings results, but the peace movement's first local group is readyto take up the challenge. SORSUNNATA was started to inform about the insane arms race that is under-way between the world's superpowers and their allies.
SORSUNNATA was started to warn about the threat against all of mankind and all life on earth created by the continuing development of nuclear weapons and weaponstechnology. SORSUNNATA was established to inform about why it is quite useless to use enormous quantities of resources and money to construct weapons which will destroy the earth if they are used. SORSUNNATA wants to tell about the needs, poverty, hunger and misery which is found inthe world, and SORSUNNATA will explain how the resources and money couldbe used for better purposes than armanents and missiles.
SORSUNNATA will inform about the background of the American bases in Greenland and explainhow these bases contribute to making Greenland part of the dangerouscompetition between the two global power blocs. SORSUNNATA has the goal of creating an active Greenlandic peace movementwhich can participate locally, nationally and internationally in peacework, which is our time's most imperative and important issue for mankind.We want peace, and we must together prevent the arms race and great powerpolitics which threatens the entire globe. Support for SORSUNNATA is support for peace. FOR PEACE AND COOPERATION! And now a peace newspaper can be expected in the autumn. Contact address: SORSUNNATA Sekretariatet c/o Baltser Andersen Blok G 36 Skolen 3951

Fredsbevægelser ; USA
Den amerikanske fredsgruppe Pennsylvania Peace Links, grundlægges.



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