Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 15.
september 1982 / Timeline September 15, 1982
Version 3.5
14. September 1982, 16. September 1982
Opration Fred i
Israelske soldater
og israelsk støttede militser begår masakrer i de
palæstinensiske flygtningelejre Sabra og Shatila ved Beirut i
Libanon. Op mod
3.000 personer myrdes frem til den 22. september. Den israelske
forsvarsminister Ariel Sharon idømmes senere af en israelsk
undersøgelseskommission ansvaret for massakren.
Kilde: After the Betrayal. I: South, 1982:25
s. 9-20.
Carter, Jimmy: The Blod of Abraham. 1985. - ISBN
'Da jeg kom tilbage, var der lig overalt'. Optegnelser fra
en mindehøjtidelighed for en krigsforbrydelse i Beirut, som
libaneserne ikke vil vide af. / : Lasse Ellegaard. Lagt på 22. september 2008. Bragt i den trykte udgave 23.
september 2008.
Fisk, Robert: Sharons fingeraftryk. I: Information,
Fauhar. Altaf: The Case that must be answered. I:
South, 1982:25 s. 6-7
Opration Peace in Galilee
Israeli soldiers and Israeli-backed militias commit massacre in the
Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in Beirut in
Libanon. Around 3,000 people are murdered up to 22 September. The
Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon is later sentenced by an
Israeli commission of inquiry responsible for the massacre.
Literature: Malone, Linda A.: "The Kahan Report, Ariel
Sharon and the Sabra-Shatilla Massacres in Lebanon:
Responsibility Under International Law for Massacres of Civilian
Populations" (1985). Faculty Publications. Paper 587. - 62 s.
UN General Assembly: The situation in the Middle East. 16
December 1982.
'Recalling its resolution 95 (I) of 11 December 1946,
Recalling also its resolution 96 (I) of 11 December 1946, in which
it, inter alia, affirmed that genocide is a crime under
international law which the civilized world condemns, and for the
commission of which principals and accomplices - whether private
individuals, public officials or statesmen, and whether the crime
is committed on religious, racial, political or any other grounds -
are punishable,
Referring to the provisions of the Convention on the Prevention and
Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted by the General
Assembly on 9 December 1948,
Recalling the relevant provisions of the Geneva Convention relative
to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August
Appalled at the large-scale massacre of Palestinian civilians in
the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps situated at Beirut,
Recognizing the universal outrage and condemnation of that
Recalling its resolution ES-7/9 of 24 September 1982,
1. Condemns in the strongest terms the large-scale massacre of
Palestinian civilians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps;
2. Resolves that the massacre was an act of genocide'.
Opration Paix en Galilée
Les soldats israéliens et les milices soutenues par
Israël commettre des massacres dans les camps de
réfugiés palestiniens de Sabra et Chatila à
Beyrouth en Liban. Environ 3000 personnes sont tuées
jusqu'à 22 Septembre. Le ministre israélien de la
Défense, Ariel Sharon, est condamné par la suite par
une commission d'enquête israélienne responsable du
Opration Paz en Galilea
Los soldados israelíes y las milicias israelíes
respaldados por perpetrar masacre en los campos de refugiados
palestinos de Sabra y Shatila en Beirut en Libanon. Alrededor de
3.000 personas son asesinadas hasta el 22 de septiembre. El
ministro de Defensa israelí Ariel Sharon está
condenado más tarde por una comisión de
investigación israelí responsable de la masacre.
Opration Frieden in Galiläa
Israelische Soldaten und israelisch-unterstützte Milizen
begehen Massaker in den palästinensischen
Flüchtlingslagern Sabra und Shatila in Beirut in Libanon. Etwa
3.000 Menschen sind bis zum 22. September ermordet. Der israelische
Verteidigungsminister Ariel Sharon wird später von einem
israelischen Untersuchungskommission für das Massaker
verantwortlich verurteilt.
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