Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 24. maj 1982 / Time Line May 24, 1982

Version 3.0

23. Maj 1982, 25. Maj 1982

The Danish Peace Academy: May 24: Womens International Day for Disarmament. Publisher: May 24th, Brighton, England

First Womens International Day for Disarmament
Kvinderens første internationale dag for nedrustning.
Kilde: 24. maj - 82 : Kvindernes dag for nedrustning. Ukendt ophav, 1982? - 4 s. I: Fredsakademiets arkiv.
Miller, Margot: Western Europe Day of Action.
In: Disarmament Canpaigns, 1982:13 p. 15.
Smid, Frouke: Womens day for disarmament.
In: Disarmament Canpaigns, 1982:11 p. 13.
24. maj. I: Køkkenrullen, 1982:2 s. 2.
MAY 24. - May 24th, - Brighton : 1982? - 2 pp.
In the files of the Danish Peace Academy.


MAY 24

Last year, a group of women from several European countries got together and organised International Women's Day for Disarmament on May 24th-- hundreds of events took place all over Europe on that day enabling women to express their feelings about the nuclear threat.

This year, a group of women in Britain (from the Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp and the Women's Peace Movement) are working hard to make May 24th THE MOST EFFECTIVE DAY OF WOMEN'S ACTION YET: We are asking all women everywhere --women working in the home, women in pald employment, unemployed women-- to leave their usual occupation for the day and to take creative and imaginative actions to STOP the siting of nuclear weapons throughout the world.

Millions of women all over the world taking action on the same day, showing that we refuse to live with the nuclear threat will have a huge impact. In Britain, we're working for maximum trade union support for the day-- and women are organising locally all over the country to inform and involve as many women as possible. (So far the response has been overwhelming:)

We're organising a system for communication so that details about ALL of the actions will be relayed to one central point, and then telexed to the world's medla.

For the communications system to work effectively, we need all women who are intending to take action to provide us with a contact who can let us know what's happening.

PLEASE contact:
May 24th
16 Arundel Rd.
Brighton, E. Sussex

We must use this opportunity to make the strongest statement possible!


On 24 May right across Europe an experiment will take place to find out just how much power women really have.

The experiment is called the 'Womens Day for Disarmament. What will happen is that every woman who believes we are rapidly drifting towards nuclear war will take some form of action to show we want to prevent it. The cotion can be as simple as wearing home-made arm bands showing the peace-dove on them or putting a poster in your window. Norwegian women will be hanging blankets with the peace-symbol out of their windows. It could be inviting your neighbours to your house during the day to a "peacecafe" , have coffee and talk ab out how to get rid of the bomb, as Dutch women suggested. Signatures will be collected to send to the 2nd Special Session on Disarmament of the UN. Letter-writing to members of parliament will also be done at meetings. Danish women are arranging a hearing on defence and security by and for women. In the UK events are organised so far in 15 different towns or places. At the moment women are organising actions in Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Finland, Holland, W. Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom.

A woman try to get in contact with a peace-group near her to find out what is happening in her area. If there isn't, she can discuss with her friends what they co uld do together. The idea is for hundreds of small activities to happen on the day, rather than for one large event to take place organised by one group. The things we have in common and in which we try to coordinate are: the issue, the date, logos and the fact that we are women who decided not to keep silent any longer. Important is the outreach to women who are not yet involved ahd we think one is more likely impressed by a European action on ones doorstep than on the TV screen!

We hope to make connections between women all over Europe. Most women feel powerless to have any effect on decisions about nuclear weapons and nuclear war. Yet most of the consequences will be borne by women and children. We want the day to make all women feel they ean have an influence and to make the uncommitted women ask themselves whether they should continue to keep quiet and accept what is happening or start speaking put.

(There are 18 contact addresses in Europe and the United States for these activities; for the list of addresses you may contact Lynne Jones, 78 Glouscester Ave., London NWl, U.K. or DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGNS.
Prouke Smid

200.000 demonstrerer mod kernevåben i Tokio, Japan.



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