Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 26. februar 1982 / Time Line February 26, 1982

Version 3.5

25. Februar 1982, 27. Februar 1982

Demokrati ; Tyrkiet
Hele forretningsudvalget i the Turkish Peace Association / Den tyrkiske fredsforening (Bariš Dernegi) arresteres.
Efterfølggende etableres the Campaign for the Defence of the Turkish Peace Association, London, 1982-1989.

Seventeen months after the military coup of 1980, on the 26th February 1982, the entire executive committee and founders of the Turkish Peace Association (Bariš Dernegi) were arrested; among the arrested were Mahmut Dikerdem, former ambassador and chairman of the association, Orhan Apaydin, president of the Istanbul Bar Association and other well-known intellectuals; the arrest and trial of the peace activist caused a wave of outrage in international public opinion; to mobilise support amongst British, American and European peace movements the Campaign for the Defence of the Turkish Peace Association (CDTPA) was founded in 1981 in London; among the founders was Mehmet Ali Dikerdem, MA DPhil Lecturer at the University of Middlesex and the son of Mahmut Dikerdem. Source: Campaign for the Defence of the Turkish Peace Association (London) Archives.



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