Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 5. April 1982 / Time Line April 5, 1982

Version 3.0

4. April 1982, 6. April 1982

Dublin i Irland erklæres for et atomvåbenfrit område af byrådet.

Dublin, Ireland, is declared a nuclear-free zone by the city council.

En britisk ekspeditionstyrke med ialt 28.000 mand sejler fra Portsmouth, storbritannien i krig med Argentinaom Falklandsøerne.
Samtidig træder den britiske udenrigsminister Lord Peter Carrington og flere af hans topembedsmænd tilbage.
Primærkilder: Lord Carrington's files on the Falklands
'On Friday 2 April 1982 Argentina invaded the Falklands, triggering a major political crisis and bringing to a very abrupt end the tenure of Britain's much-admired Foreign Secretary, Peter Carrington. His resignation on Monday the 5th, along with that of two of his colleagues in the department, helped to cauterise the deep political wound, although healing was only complete when the war was won and the Franks Inquiry the following year largely exonerated the government of blame for its outbreak. Lord Carrington later served with great success as NATO Secretary General, 1984-88. noticed that his Private Office papers from the Foreign and Commowealth Office (FCO) were not appearing at the National Archives in Kew each year and made an FOI request for their review. We here publish some of the resulting release, a cache of some 250 documents relating to the Falklands apparently collated for submission to Franks. A handful are still being held back, probably because they relate to intelligence matters. This is the first big release of British Falklands files covering 1981-82.'



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