Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 17. maj 1979 / Time Line May 17, 1979

Version 3.0

16. Maj 1979, 18. Maj 1979

Forespørgselsdebat i Folketinget om NATOs drøftelser om forstærket oprustning i Centraleuropa (udskiftning af våbensystemer) og om den danske regerings holdning til de planer, der er eller kan blive resultatet af disse drøftelser. Den første større raketdebat i Folketinget.
Kilde: Folketingets forhandlinger 1978-79:28, spalte 11066-11120.

Et amerikansk nævningeting dømmer uranfabrikken Kerr-McGee i Oklahoma til at betale en erstatning på 10.5 mio. dollars til arvingerne efter Karen Silkwood, der døde under mystiske omstændigheder efter først at være forgiftet med plutonium fra fabrikken.

A U.S. jury judging the uranium factory Kerr-McGee in Oklahoma to pay a compensation of 10.5 million. dollars to the heirs of Karen Silkwood, who died under mysterious circumstances after first being poisoned with plutonium from the factory.
Documentation: The Velvet sledgehammer (April 4, 1979).
The program features the story of Karen Silkwood, a labor union activist. Silkwood was a worker at Kerr-McGee Plant in Crescent, Oklahoma that made fuel rods for plutonium, which is the most fatal of radioactive substances. After compiling a stack of documentation explaining the dangers of the radioactive substances, she was killed in a car accident and the documents which she was going to present to the New York Times, were removed. The host interviews a Shemis Johannes (sp?), an herbologist who gives information on herbal remedies and preventive measures you can take about radiation.
Sue Castaneda: Gerry Spence Oral History.
Gerry Spence, born, reared and educated in Wyoming, is recognized nationwide for his powerful courtroom victories. He graduated cum laude from the University of Wyoming Law School in 1952, and has spent his lifetime representing the poor, the injured, the forgotten and the damned against what he calls "the new slave master," a combine of mammoth corporations and gargantuan government. He has tried and won many nationally known cases, including the Karen Silkwood case, the defense of Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, the defense of Imelda Marcos, the case against âPenthouse Magazineâ for Miss Wyoming and the murder defenses of Ed Cantrell and Sandy Jones.
In this interview, historian Mark Junge interviews Spence for his book titled "The Wind is My Witness" published in 1997. The interview took place in 1991. Produced by Sue Castaneda for the Wyoming State Archives, Wyoming's Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources.



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