Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 10. Oktober 1974 / Time Line October 10, 1974

Version 3.5

9. Oktober 1974, 11. Oktober 1974

14 Pacifists charged with Conspiracy
14 British pacifists have been charged with Section 2(1) of the Incitement to Disaffection Act of 1934 for the possession of the leaflet, "Some Information for Discontented Soldiers" and now face life sentences. They ara Bill Hetherington, Bob Thomas, Albert Beale, Wendy Butlin, Juliet Hornsby, John Hyatt, Chris Roper, Gwyn Williams, Phil Cadbury, Frank, Keeley, Ronnie Lee, Paul Seed, Rick Walker and Mick Wescott.
Most are members or are associated witt British Withdrawal from N. Ireland Campaign.
According to John Hyatt, co-editor of Peace News and member of the Executive Committee of the WRI, "Following a raid of the Peace News office when a number of BWNIC leaflets, address books, diaries, copies of the paper were stolen by police. I was arrested on October 10 (my birthday) and charged with the possession of leaflets to be used to incite troops to disaffect and at that same time they arrested 5 others whose homes were raided the same day. Later on, another 8 people were arrested on the same charge. But when in court last Wednesday the charge had been changed to conspiracy to contravene Section One of the Incitement to Disaffection Act of 1934 by 'agreeing maliciously and advisedly to endeavor to seduce any of Her Majesty's forces from his duty or allegiance to Her Majesty against the peace'. This change to conspiracy charges adds a whole new dimension to the case. Because its not necessary for the prosecution to prove defendants conspired together and not necessarily to commit a crime it is different. It also means the maximum sentence is no longer two years but life imprisonment. We ara not sure when this trial will be held - but the earlist is March, 1975", writes WRI Newsletter 1974:142.

Århundredes våbenhandel
Hollandske parlamentsmedlemmer forsøges bestukket af Dassault til at anbefale købet af Mirage-fly.



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