Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 12. Juli 1974
/ Time Line July 12, 1974
Version 3.0
11. Juli 1974, 13. Juli 1974
John Ehrlichman, former top aide to President Richard Nixon, and
three others were convicted of conspiring to violate someone's
civil rights. Ehrlichman, while in the White House, had approved a
recommendation for a covert investigation of Daniel Ellsberg in
1971 by writing on a memo: "If done under your assurance that it is
not traceable." They had sought to discredit Daniel Ellsberg by
breaking into the office of his psychiatrist. Ellsberg, a former
Defense Dept. analyst, had been responsible for public release of
The Pentagon Papers, documents outlining the U.S. history and
strategy in Vietnam, that had been classified as secret to avoid
public scrutiny, writes This Week in History.
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