Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 15. november
1969 / Timeline November 15, 1969
Version 3.5
14. November 1969, 16. November 1969
Landsomfattende demonstrationer mod Vietnamkrigen i USA organiseret af the New Mobilization
Committee to End the War in Vietnam. Alene i Washington
demonstrerer 40.000 mod Vietnamkrigen. / Following a symbolic
three-day "March Against Death," the second national "moratorium"
against the Vietnam War opened with massive and peaceful
demonstrations in San Francisco and Washington, D.C.
Organized by the New Mobilization Committee to End the War in
Vietnam ("New Mobe"), an estimated 500,000 demonstrators
participated as part of the largest such gathering to date. It
began with a march down Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the White
House (while President Nixon watched the Purdue-Ohio State football
game on TV) to the Washington Monument, where a mass rally with
speeches was held. Pete Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, Peter, Paul,
and Mary, and four different touring casts of the musical "Hair"
entertained the demonstrators. The rally concluded with nearly 40
hours of continuous reading of known U.S. deaths (to that date) in
Vietnam War.
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