Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 14. Juni 1968 / Time Line June 14, 1968

Version 3.0

13. Juni 1968, 15. Juni 1968

Aldrig mere Krig bliver, pga. pacifistisk propaganda, smidt ud fra det sjællandske fællesdyrskue ved Bregentved, skriver Dagbladet i Ringsted.

Dr. Benjamin Spock, the pediatrician, author and peace activist, was found guilty of aiding draft resisters during the Vietnam War.
A Federal District Court jury in Boston convicted Dr. Spock and three others, including Yale University Chaplain William Sloane Coffin, Jr., of conspiring to “aid, abet, and counsel draft registrants to violate the Selective Service Act.”



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