Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 16 Oktober 1967 / Time Line October 16, 1967

Version 3.5

15. Oktober 1967, 17. Oktober 1967

Report from Ion Mountain, the Dial Press 1967

Demokrati, USA
Folkesangeren Joan Baez arresteres pga protester mod den amerikanske værnepligt.

Folksinger Joan Baez was arrested in a peace demonstration as rallies took place across America during “Stop the Draft Week.” 1158 young men returned their draft cards in eighteen U.S. cities. Baez was among 122 anti-draft protesters arrested for sitting down at the entrance of the Armed Forces Induction Center in Oakland, California; she was sentenced to 10 days in prison.

Report from Ion Mountain
Det amerikanske forlag, the Dial Press, udsender den anonyme Om muligheden for og ønskeligheden af fred : En betænkning fra Ion Mountain. Betænkningen har forord af journalisten Leonard C. Lewin. Dansk udgave Gyldendal, 1967.
/ The American publishers, the Dial Press, publishes the anonymous On the possibility and desirability of peace: A report from Iron Mountain. The report has a foreword by the journalist Leonard C. Lewin.
The Report from Iron Mountain is a secret study by 15 reseachers ordered by JFK in 1961 , Lyndon Johnsen received the report in 1966, and kept it silent as bottom drawer material. In 1967 one of the researchers who called himself "John Doe" published it.
Litteratur: Evert, Eigil: Rejs til Mars og få fred på Jorden. I: Berlingske Tidende, 01/29/2004.
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