Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 3. maj 1963 / Time Line May 3, 1963

Version 3.0

2. Maj 1963, 4. Maj 1963

Den fængslede sydafrikanske præst og pacifist Arthur Blaxall, anklages ved retten i Johannesburg for kommunisme, skriver Fredsvarden, 1963:2 s. 23.

Apartheid Policy
The imprisoned South African clergyman and pacifist Arthur Blaxall, is accused in the court in Johannesburg for communism, writes Fredsvarden, 1963:2 p 23.
He became a pacifist, chairman of the South African branch of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, and secretary of the South African Christian Council. Over the years he developed "an ever deepening sense of solidarity," in his own words, with the African, Coloured, and Indian struggle against apartheid. Trusted as a friend, he received money in the early 1960s from exiled ANC and PAC leaders and passed it on to former political prisoners and their families who were in need. This led to his arrest in April 1963 and conviction under the Suppression of Communism Act.
Already in his 70s and the subject of wide publicity, he spent a night and a day in prison before being paroled with the rest of his sentence suspended. He left soon afterwards for Britain, where he died in 1970. His autobiography, Suspended Sentence, was published in 1965, writes
Blaxall, Arthur W.: Arthur W. Blaxall : a series of five vignettes recalling the author's experiences of imprisonment in South African jails.
- [London : International Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1963?]. [M0465187SH].
Western Bank Library MILLER PAMPHLETS 122.



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