Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 20. Juni 1963 / Time Line June 20, 1963

Version 3.0

19. Juni 1963, 21. Juni 1963

Tillisskabende foranstaltninger ; våbenkontrol
USA og Sovjetunionen underskriver et Memorandum of Under-standing om etablering af en direkte kommunikationslinje mellem de to lande, den varme linje.
Litteratur: The Washington-Moscow Hot Line : A Compi-lation of Extracts. / Edited by Jerry Proc.
David Kahn's, "The Codebreakers", 1967, p 715-716 provides an excellent summary of the how the Hot Line came into existence.
'As a result of the Cuban missile crisis the long, talked-about "hot line" between Washington and Moscow was to become a reality. On 20th June, 1963, at Geneva, Switzerland , the United States and the Soviet Union signed a Memorandum of Understanding that set up a duplex cable circuit routed from Washington-London-Copenhagen-Stockholm-Helsinki to Moscow for primary political communications and a duplex radio circuit routed from Washington to Tangier to Moscow for service communications and as a back-up'.



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