Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 6. september 1951 / Timeline September 6, 1951

Version 3.5

5. September 1951, 7. September 1951

Forsvarsaftale mellem USA og Portugal om amerikanske baser på Azoerne / Military Facilities in the Azores: Agreement Between Portugal and the United States, September 6, 1951
'Article 6
During the period of the preparation of the bases, in conformity with Article 2 subparagraph 2, and during the period of evacuation granted under Article 7, the transit of American military aircraft through the Lagens Airdrome continues to be permitted and there will be authorized on that base, during the same periods, the training of United States aviation and naval personnel, and United States military and civilian personnel stationed there may be increased up to the necessary. There will also be permitted the eventual visit to the airdrome of Santa Maria of some military aircraft which will be provided for by technical arrangements to be concluded between the Ministers of Defense of the two Governments. '



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