Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 27. februar
1950 / Time Line February 27, 1950
Version 3.5
26. Februar 1950, 28. Februar 1950
Krigsundervisning, ingen fredsundervisning i USA
En gruppe ledende amerikanske videnskabsmænd, deriblandt
professor Albert
Einstein, har i går i en erklæring
hævdet, at der lægges alt for meget vægt på
militære foreteelser på amerikas højere
læreanstalter. I erklæringen protesteres der blandt
andet imod, at der på over 100 amerikanske kollegier
undervises i, hvordan man fører krig, mens kun to eller tre
af landets kollegier har særlige kursus for fred. Endelig
beklages den tendens mod at anbringe høje
militærpersoner på fremtrædende
undervisnings-poster. General Eisenhowers udnævnelse til
præsident for Columbia universitet fremhæves som
eksempel herpå, skriver Information.
Militarism in Education
A group of leading American scientists, including Professor Albert
Einstein, has yesterday in a statement claimed that there was
placed too much emphasis on the military phenomena on America's
colleges. In the declaration, protest, among other things opposed
to the more than 100 American colleges taught how to conduct war,
while only two or three of the country's colleges have special
training course in peace. Finally, deplored is the tendency to
place high military personnel in prominent teaching posts. General
Eisenhower's appointment as president of Columbia University is
highlighted as example, writes Information.
'EARLY IN 1950, a group of eminent American educators, churchmen
and scientists issued a profoundly significant report in the form
of an eighty-page booklet entitled Militarism in Education [by the
National Council Against Conscription]. Included among the sponsors
were Albert Einstein, Dean Harold A. Bosley of the Divinity School
of Duke University, Chancellor William P. Tolley of Syracuse
University, President Harold Taylor of Sarah Lawrence College, and
Bishop Gerald Kennedy of the Methodist Church of Oregon'
Source: IV. Need for killers : Chapter from The Game
of Death. / : Albert E Kahn.
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