Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 17. Juli 1945 / Time Line July 17, 1945

Version 3.0

16. Juli 1945, 18. Juli 1945

Atompacifisme ; USA - Szilárd appellen
Videnskabsfolk advarer mod anvendelse af atomvåben. Deres advarsel mod brugen af atomvåbnet hemmeligstemples secret.
Kilde: A Petition to the President of the United States.
U.S. National Archives, Record Group 77, Records of the Chief of Engineers, Manhattan Engineer District, Harrison-Bundy File, folder #76.

Nuclear pacifism, USA - the Szilárd appeal
Scientists warn against the use of nuclear weapons. Their warning against the use of nuclear weapon is stamped secret.
…. We, the undersigned scientists, have been working in the field of atomic power for a number of years. Until recently we have had to reckon with the possibility that the United States might be attacked by atomic bombs during this war and that her only defense might lie in a counterattack by the same means. Today with this danger averted we feel impelled to say what follows:
The war has to be brought speedily to a successful conclusion and the destruction of Japanese cities by means of atomic bombs may very well be an effective method of warfare. We feel, however, that such an attack on Japan could not be justified in the present circumstances. We believe that the United States ought not to resort to the use of atomic bombs in the present phase of the war, at least not unless the terms which will be imposed upon Japan after the war are publicly announced and subsequently Japan is given an opportunity to surrender.
If such public announcement gave assurance to the Japanese that they could look forward to a life devoted to peaceful pursuits in their homeland and if Japan still refused to surrender, our nation would then be faced with a situation which might require a re-examination of her position with respect to the use of atomic bombs in the war. Atomic bombs are primarily a means for the ruthless annihilation of cities. Once they were introduced as an instrument of war it would be difficult to resist for long the temptation of putting them to such use.
The last few years show a marked tendency toward increasing ruthlessness. At present our Air Forces, striking at the Japanese cities, are using the same methods of warfare which were condemned by American public opinion only a few years ago when applied by the Germans to the cities of England. Our use of atomic bombs in this war would carry the world a long way further on this path of ruthlessness.
Atomic power will provide the nations with new means of destruction. The atomic bombs at our disposal represent only the first step in this direction and there is almost no limit to the destructive power which will become available in the course of this development. Thus a nation which sets the precedent of using these newly liberated forces of nature for purposes of destruction may have to bear the responsibility of opening the door to an era of devastation on an unimaginable scale.
In view of the foregoing, we, the undersigned, respectfully petition that you exercise your power as Commanderin- Chief to rule that the United States shall not, in the present phase of the war, resort to the use of atomic bombs.
Leo Szilard and 58 co-signers (Dr. Leo Szilard, 62, is a Hungarian-born physicist who helped persuade President Roosevelt to launch the A-bomb project and who had a major share in it. In 1945, however, he was a key figure among the scientists opposing use of the bomb.)
Source: A Petition til President of the United States. U.S. National Archives, Record Group 77, Records of the Chief of Engineers, Manhattan Engineer District, Harrison-Bundy File, folder # 76th

Potsdamkonfenrencen mellem Truman, Stalin og Churchill og deres udenrigsministre starter. Politikerne enes om at etablere et allieret kontrolråd for Tyskland, forbyde tysk krigsindustri, truster og karteller; kontrol med tysk metal- og kemisk industri samt opløsning af nazistiske organisationer. Tyskland skal demilitariseres.



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