Det danske Fredsakademi
Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 13. April
1943 / Time Line April 13, 1943
Version 3.0
12. April 1943, 14. April 1943
Tysk radio meddeler opdagelsen af en massegrav i Katyn-skoven
nær Smolensk, hvor blev det påstået, at
sovjetiske sikkerheds-styrker i 1940 havde foretaget henrettelser
af tusindvis af polske officerer.
Litteratur: Records Relating to the Katyn Forest Massacre
at the US National Archives.
The Select Committee to Conduct an Investigation and Study of
the Facts, Evidence, and Circumstances of the Katyn Forest
Massacre, the Madden Committee: The Katyn Forest
Massacre : hearings before the Select Committee to Conduct an
Investigation of the Facts, Evidence and Circumstances of the Katyn
Forest Massacre, Eighty-second Congress, first[-second] session, on
investigation of the murder of thousands of Polish officers in the
Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia .. (1952).
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