Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 6. december 1941 / Time Line December 6, 1941

Version 3.5

5. December 1941, 7. December 1941

Canada erklærer krig mod Finland, Rumænien og Ungarn.
Kilde: Parliament, the national defence act, and the decision to participate. / : Michel Rossignol. Political and Social Affairs Division, August 1992
'Subsequent declarations of war by Canada during the Second World War took place without any parliamentary debate. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour on 7 December 1941, Parliament had been adjourned since 14 November and was not scheduled to resume sitting until 21 January 1942. There was a special meeting of the two Houses on 30 December, but this was for an address to the Canadian Parliament by the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchil.'



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