Det danske Fredsakademi

Kronologi over fredssagen og international politik 16 Oktober 1940 / Time Line October 16, 1940

Version 3.0

15. Oktober 1940, 17. Oktober 1940

Værnetvang, USA; våbenløse helte
USA første sessionsdag i fredstid. Omkring 16 millioner indkaldes. The Union 8, otte Union Theology Seminary studenter som ikke er værnepligtige, arresteres alligevel for ikke at møde på session. Blandt dem var James W. Bristah, Dave Dellinger og George Houser. De idømmes et år og en dags fængsel hver. Militærnægtere og totalnægtere samles i lejre, hvor gennemsnitsstraffen var 3-4 års indespærring.
Nogle af de amerikanske militærnægtere gjorde sanitetsarbejde under anden verdenskrig. Blant disse militærnægtere kan nævnes pacifisten Desmond T. Doss. Omkring 11.000 ydede arbejde af national betydning, herunder skovarbejde, 800 arbejdede i sindsygehospitaler, hvor der var akut mangel på arbejdskraft. 200 militærnægtere arbejdede som brand-falskærmsjagere; de sprang ud med falskærme for at slukke ildebrande forårsaget af japanske brandbomber. Flere hundrede militærnægtere var forsøgskaniner under verdenskrigen, eksempelvis i forbindelse med kolera-forskning.
Litteratur: US National Archives and Records Administration: World War II Army Enlistment Records, created, 6/1/2002 - 9/30/2002, documenting the period ca. 1938 - 1946 - Record Group 64.
Richard G. Wood, comp., Records of the Selective Service System, 1940-47 PI 27 (1951); Patricia Andrews, comp., Supplement to Preliminary Inventory No. 27, Records of the Selective Service System, 1940-, NM 32 (1964); supplement listing accessioned microfilm in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.
Kleber, Victor: Selective service in Illinois, 1940-1947 : a complete history of the operation of the Selective Service System in Illinois from its inception on September 16, 1940 to its termination on March 31, 1947. - [Springfield]: Printed by authority of the state of Illinois, 1948. - 519 s.
United States. Selective Service System: Selective service (1941). - 274 s.
- Washington, D.C. : National Headquarters, Selective Service System.
Amerikansk militærnægter får kongressens æresmedaile. I: Ny Ungdom, 1947:1 s. 2.
Se på Internettet: Records of the Selective Service System, 1940-.
The Continuing Committee of the Historical Peace Churches etablerer samtidig militærnægter-organisationen, the National Service Board for Religious Objection.
Stop the WarKilde: No Time but this Present s. 59.

Indkaldelsen af værnepligtige giver folkemusikeren Pete Seeger og en række andre musikere anledning til at synge og spille nye viser som Ballad of October 16, Dear Mr. President, 'C' for Conscription, Washington Breakdown og Deliver the Goods. Nogle af protestsangene (gen)udsendes først i 2001. Enkelte af sangene er for krigen mod Hitler.
Litteratur: The Authentic History Center: World War II Before Pearl Harbor: American Music Part 1: Nationalism & The War In Europe.

Forced conscripttion, USA; unarmed heroes
U.S. first peacetime conscription day. Around 16 million convened. The Union 8, eight Union Theology Seminary students who are not conscripts are arrested anyway for failing to attend the session. Among them was James W. Bristah, Dave Dellinger and George Houser. They were each imposed a year and a day in prison. Conscientious and total objectors in detention camps, where the average penalty was 3-4 years of incarceration. Some of the American conscientious objectors did sanitation work during World War II.
Amongst these conscientious objectors include the pacifist Desmond T. Doss.
Around 11,000 rendered work of national importance, including forestry, 800 worked in mental hospitals, where there was an acute shortage of labor. Two hundred conscientious objectors worked as a fire-parachute fighters; they jumped out with parachutes to extinguish fires caused by Japanese incendiary bombs. Several hundred conscientious objectors were guinea pigs during the World War, for example in connection with cholera research.
The call for conscripts gives folk musician Pete Seeger and a number of other musicians the opportunity to sing and play new songs as Ballad of October 16, Dear Mr. President, 'C' for Conscription, Washington Breakdown and Deliver the Goods. Some of protest songs are first (re) published in 2001. Some of the songs are for the war against Hitler.



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